Carnauba Wax Storage


New member
May 10, 2008
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I recently bought my Autoglym HD wax and it's my first premium carnauba wax purchase and I want to take care of it. It stated in the box that the wax should be stored in temperatures below 86F. I live in the scorching desert so leaving this wax in the garage is no question. Yesterday while waxing, the wax was already melting! LOL!

So what do you guys do to your carnauba waxes when temperatures reach high 90s or above?
Put it in the refrigerator

For real? My wife would kick me out if she saw all my stuff in there. Im the MAN

Hmm..but seriously, i live in a tropical country where we hit 110+ in some days. Early summer would be around 90+, now we're at 96+. Have never seen my waxes melt, just soft. I might be missing on something out, i didn't know it was supposed to be kept below 86. :(
I'm just weary of storing the wax inside the house because it might be emitting some fumes that might be harmful to ones health. But in this case, I might not have a choice since Phoenix summers reach 120F!!!
My wax is in my car a lot in the summer as I am working Mobile from my car right now and only one of them melts (Pro W-41 Yellow Wax) I don't use it much though. The heat makes Collinite #845 nice and thin like I like it though.
I'm just weary of storing the wax inside the house because it might be emitting some fumes that might be harmful to ones health. But in this case, I might not have a choice since Phoenix summers reach 120F!!!
Most higher end waxes have a rubber gasket in the lid, so I wouldn't worry about fumes. Did you smell it when you opened it? If you did, you got more fumes in your lungs than a sealed jar would emit in a life time.
Storing it inside shouldn't be a problem. I am thinking about moving to Phoenix.
Holy cow 120F is super hot! I find 110 scorching already coupled with the humidity here, it's just insane. Yeah i store it inside the house, but like dave, it's mostly in the car.
i leave all my elite waxes in my house ,, i have central air so it never really gets hot ..
I place mine in a cool closed cabinet away from direct heat. My buddie stores his in his bucket with a closed lid in his bedroom closet.