Too Similar?


New member
Jan 4, 2010
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Are SIP and Power Finish too close in cut. I see there is a difference of .3, would this be noticeable? I have Power Finish on order, but I want a stronger Menzerna polish. Would it be worth buying SIP as well?
Would I be better off just picking up Power Gloss instead?
Would I be better off just picking up Power Gloss instead?
I see by your avatar that you have the Meg's combo. Why not just use 105 on those tough jobs? But to answer your question, yes SIP and Power Gloss is close in cut and Power Gloss is the work horse in the Menz's line up.
I see by your avatar that you have the Meg's combo. Why not just use 105 on those tough jobs? But to answer your question, yes SIP and Power Gloss is close in cut and Power Gloss is the work horse in the Menz's line up.

I'm not crazy about the work time of 105, though I haven't tried misting water when it starts to dry out. Plus, I'd like to have other options...So you think just pick up Power Gloss?
The power finish is nice. I picked some up after last years DTF. Power finish works great, but to me dust like crazy.
With the 105, try misting the pad, or panel for more work time.
SIP is likely not all that much different in cut, but I believe uses a different abrasive (ceramiclear tech). Powergloss would certainly be their compound and the next formal step up IMO.
SIP is likely not all that much different in cut, but I believe uses a different abrasive (ceramiclear tech). Powergloss would certainly be their compound and the next formal step up IMO.

Thanks for the info everyone!