Your customers weak spot


New member
Apr 30, 2010
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New here from Jax. Made the 3 hr. drive down to detailfest and enjoyed it. Max was a good host and he was surrounded by happy employees....good sign if your a business owner or a customer. I know a little about events and those guys bust butt to put on a good one. You have no idea the time/labor/planning involved to put on a multiday event. On that note, good luck to the PBoys's crew in NY.

Just to drop a topic to chew on - do you have customers that have one particular issue they always check when finished with a job? I bring this up 'cause no matter what I do to the bride's Nissan Quest she asked if I did the roof. Mom always asks if I got the inside windows. My old neighbor would go stright for the dash and run his fingers across it with a big smile....heck, there could be 47 love bugs in his grill but as long as that dash was spotless he was happy. Another neighbor loved nothing more that the blackest, brightest tires. He never even looked inside.

With the pros who hang out here I would love to hear some war stories.
Hello. :welcome: to AGO.

Hmmm..That would be the engine and, the wheels and tires. I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the People here would make sure that the tire dressing stays on the tire and that the wheels are spotlessly clean and bright.
I have 2 customers who roll down the windows an inch to make sure I got the top of the window. But most people look at the paint and the carpets to make sure everything is perfect.
Windshields must be Spotless. I spend extra time on every detail with a Razor Blade cleaning the "WINDOW TO THE WORLD" :)
I've got a gentleman who always checks the shifter boot in his Corvette. I maintain the car for him, have been for a couple years now, and every single time he seems genuinely surprised that it's been cleaned and protected.