View Full Version : best "true cut" polishes

06-06-2010, 10:47 AM
Morning everyone. Which polishes you guys recommend that are true cut polishes, and actually remove minor scratches and swirls, instead of just temp. covering them up?

Mike Phillips
06-06-2010, 12:13 PM
Anything with an actual abrasive in it strong enough to abrade paint would be by your definition a true cut polish.

If the product you choose doesn't remove 100% of the defect you're trying to remove then it could just be the defect you're trying to remove is too deep for the abrading ability of the product you've chosen or the paint is harder than on application will accomplish the goal or bot of these things.

Removing defects is just a matter of removing enough paint off the surface to flatten or level out the surface. This mean removing enough paint off the surface to lower the upper most surface to be level with the lowest depths of the deepest defects.

Theoretically, any product that abrades, that is any product that will remove paint no matter how light in its cutting ability if used long enough, that is with enough applications, will eventually remove enough paint to level or flatter out the surface.

The faster you want to level the surface the more aggressive of a product you can choose and you can also choose more aggressive application materials and processes. By application materials I mean the type of material of buffing pad you use to apply and work the product and by process I mean the manner in which you apply the product either by hand or by machine and if by machine the type of machine.

What are you working on?
What are you trying to accomplish?


06-06-2010, 03:57 PM
polishes come in many degrees of abrasiveness (cut) from light to heavy compounds. Glazes typically are fillers and temporarily hide marks. You do need to read and understand product however as manufacturers use the terms differently for marketing.