View Full Version : 06 Evo IX and MG #21

11-19-2006, 09:09 PM
Waiting for the delivery from AG (DG, XMT etc), so i didnt go for a total detail on my Evo.

After i washed it today, i wanted to do a quick shine, the poor car havent seen polish for 3 months, (just weekly washing), so it didnt do the car or me anny wrong, giving it a little shine

Drove down to the car wash (2 min), with my:

-NXT gen Car wash
-Megs MF wash mit
-Megs Chenille wash mit
-Megs Hot rims All wheel cleaner
-Megs ultra safe Wheel brush (this is sooooo briliant)
-Megs Water magnet
-California water blade

You wouldnt belive what kind of bizare ways people wash their cars, some just use the foamgun, and THEN spunge the whole car and THEN they hose. i now understand where the swirls come from.

I always use the high presure first, THEN the foam gun, THEN high presure again, and THEN i wash (whit a washing mit, NOT a 50 cent gas station spong)

Wash and dry 1 hour, and home again, (then just hose and dry again)

Drove the car inside my pre heated garage (only heated, when i work there)
Went to my mothers birthdays party, had som dinner and cake. then home again, mmmmmm cake.......

Got the stuff i need from the house:

-Porter Cable
-Megs MG #21, Megs pad 9006
-Megs MG #82 (just on the hood) Megs pad 8006
-Megs MF

And went to work

Used the #82 on the hood, had some fine swirls there, found swirls some other places to, but i take care of them when my XMT series arives in about a week.

Put the #21 on the whole car, and wiped it off by MF (I still wonder how i managed without the MF in the past)

I got the car in June 06, so its not that old, i had a full detail in july so its not in bad shape, but the swirls have been there since it was new. So next time im buying a car, im not letting them wash it before they deliver it.

Had to take some night shots, dont have time in the morning, and when i come home from work (sadly) the car is dirty again.







Started to rain when i was about to park the car in the garage



Next "shine" time, its with the XMT series or the DG #101/105

11-19-2006, 11:59 PM
Awesome! I love this one especially.http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/truhaa/IMG_2096.jpg

11-20-2006, 12:38 AM
Those pictures are AWFULLY dark. I can't see a thing.

11-20-2006, 05:40 AM
nice:) always have to have a few nice night pics :D

11-20-2006, 12:11 PM
Those pictures are AWFULLY dark. I can't see a thing.

I know they are dark, but i had no choice
Had to take the pics after I was done, 2 am (night right?) was leaving early for work, so i didnt have time for pics at the morning. and when i came home today, it was dark again. Not much daylight here during winter

Personaly i have always liked nightshots

Here are some pics from last detail, only NXT gen tech wax (2 weeks old)




Some shaky pics, but.....hey its a Evo:) :o :) Im still shaky

11-20-2006, 12:51 PM
I know they are dark, but i had no choice
Had to take the pics after I was done, 2 am (night right?) was leaving early for work, so i didnt have time for pics at the morning. and when i came home today, it was dark again. Not much daylight here during winter

Personaly i have always liked nightshots

I don't have anything against night shots. They can be very dramatic looking when done correctly. It's just that when you're observing someone's work as a detailer you need to be able to see the paint. ;)

11-20-2006, 05:23 PM
Best pic! Nice work! Red is a awesome color to do. :applause: I had a few night shots myself.