PC 7424XP Essentials?


New member
Jul 6, 2010
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Hey all,

What would you say are the absolute essentials when buying a 7424XP? I'm looking to make a purchase, and keep it under 200$ if possible.. I'd like a setup that could apply/remove LSPs (such as klasse/collinite/WGDGPS).. any help is appreciated!!

I see some people say they like flat vs ccs pads or vice versa.. whats the difference?

If you're looking for a DA hurry up and pick up a Griots DA polisher from Tooltopia.com. They are having an amazing deal on them right now for $98 for the standard one and $108 for the HD model plus free shipping for orders over $99. Act fast because it ends midnight tonight.

The most basic and most important items needed are just pads and microfibers(assuming you already have polishes/waxes.)

The differences between the flat pads VS CCS is the flat pads have more contact area giving them a slight edge over the CCS in correction ability.

The CCS is designed is to hold polish in the dimples. The theory is when you need a bit more polish all you simply have to do is push down to release the polish from the dimples. I never understood the CCS's design as naturally when you are polishing you are applying constant pressure to the pad/machine. It might work for applying liquid waxes and sealants as you're not using any pressure, but not so much for paint correction.
Is the $200 limit for PCXP items, or do you need to include polishes in that as well? I know already that everyone will say to go with a 5" backing plate and 5.5" pads as the 6.5" pads won't rotate as well when the pads get saturated.

As for pads, orange and white are the most common, so probably at least 2 of each. If you apply wax/sealant by hand, you probably won't need a grey/blue/red pad, and if your paint isn't really bad, you probably won't need a yellow pad right now, either. So maybe 3 orange and 3 white if you go with a 6-pack, but cater it to your needs.

One thing I wish I would have bought was a 3.5" backing plate and 4" pads for some of the curved areas I ran into. The 5.5" pads can't get into some of those concave spots so the polisher will stop rotating.

Lately, the consensus seems to be flat pads over CCS, and now a lot of people using Hydro-Tech pads. I went with the flat pads due to the cost, and they did a great job.

I'd like to pick up one or two of the carpet brush attachments for the PCXP, but that probably doesn't fit into your budget right now.

Thanks for the responses! So you feel that the Griots DA would make more sense, given the sale? I dont know anything about it, is it as user friendly as the PC is supposed to be? I've never used any type of polisher before.

I'm looking to keep it under 200 for the DA/pads, I have some products and plan on ordering a few more, but I know that it isnt reasonable to expect to get a DA + pads + good polish/wax for under 200. Does it make sense to buy the 3 LC Hydro-Tech pad colors, and that would completely cover me? When would it make sense to use the Hydro-Tech over the normal flat pads? I was thinking maybe a 3-pack each of 5.5" Hydros, 4" hydros, and 5.5" flats.
All DA polishers like the PC is user friendly. The thing about the Griots is it has more power for faster correction, plus it comes with its own 6" backing plate, comes with a lifetime warranty and is cheaper than a PC(even cheaper now with the one sale.)

Make a list of all the products you currently have so we know what to recommend to you.

The hydro-tech offer slightly more correction and better finish than the regular flats but depending up on the polishes you use they tend to dry polishes up faster. They also take much much longer to dry after washing.

I personally like just the regular LC flat pads and Uber pads. What ever size pads you get make sure you get the correct corresponding backing plate.
All DA polishers like the PC is user friendly. The thing about the Griots is it has more power for faster correction, plus it comes with its own 6" backing plate, comes with a lifetime warranty and is cheaper than a PC(even cheaper now with the one sale.)

Make a list of all the products you currently have so we know what to recommend to you.

The hydro-tech offer slightly more correction and better finish than the regular flats but depending up on the polishes you use they tend to dry polishes up faster. They also take much much longer to dry after washing.

I personally like just the regular LC flat pads and Uber pads. What ever size pads you get make sure you get the correct corresponding backing plate.

Thanks again for the tips! Currently, I have (or plan on ordering soon) the following:

Poorboys SSR 2.5
Wolfgang Swirl Removal (sample)
Wolfgang DGPS (sample)
meguiars #205
Klasse AIO/SG
Collinite 885(476s)
Collinite 845 IW

Our vehicles are pretty new, and are mostly free of defects, except for some slight swirls. I am hoping to use the #205 to remove the swirls. I do have a few (relatively) minor scratches on my tailgate from my neice closing it with sand under her fingers, which I havent been able to completely polish out by hand with ScatchX - hoping to have better luck with a DA.
5 inch backing plate and 5.5 inch pads = mandatory
Since you are on a budget you can get away with Megs ultimate compound and swirlx as you main compound and polish. These are two very capable polishes that are the consumer version of M105 and M205. That will set you back about $20 or less. So assuming you picked up the GG ROP for $100, you'll have $80 left over for pads.

I know people say 5.5" pads are a must on a DA but I've never ran into any issues using 6.5" pads on the older(weaker) PC.
Thanks killerwheels! I am actually in the process of putting an order together right this second and have been debating on whether buying 6.5 pads or a 5.5 backing and 5.5 pads... I'll go with the 5.5 backing plate and 5.5 pads!

Hopefully somebody could chime in 1 last time before I place my order, but would anyone have a suggestion as to which color pads I should start with? I was thinking the following:

Griots DA
3.5" backing plate
6 pack of 4" pads - 2 orange, 2 gray, 1 blue, 1 red
4.5" backing plate
3 pack of LC hydro-tech pads - 1 cyan, 1 tangerine, 1 crimson

EDIT: Hey last hope, I was typing this before you posted.. now I don't know if I should go with the 5.5" or the 6.5"! My brain is frying! :)

Do you think this would suffice for me to start out?

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I think 6.5" pads are perfectly fine to start off with. Meguiar's users have been using 6.5" pads(with g100) and 7" pads (with g110v2) and get great results.

Later, if you get more into detailing then look into different size pads.
Thanks lasthope! How are the pad choices? Adequate for a newbie?
Hmm.. Now that I think about it, you should go with the 5.5" pads. Sorry for the different recommendation. I was basing it off what works for my setup as I use both a rotary and da polisher so I use the same pads between machines. Though the other sizes will work perfectly fine the 5.5" will get slightly better cutting action on a da.

You figure a 5" backing plate plus a 6 pack of 5.5" is going to cost the same as a 6pack of 6.5". I'll be cheaper in the long run if you choose to buy more pads in the future.

On pad selection you can make due with 3 orange, 2 white, and 1 black.
5.5" CCS pads!!! So much better than the 6.5" ones.

I seem to use gray ccs pads the most.

Only get 2 orange ones, because once you've knocked the swirls out of your car, they're pretty much useless. Or just buy 1 and clean it 1/2 way through polishing your car. Maybe swap an orange for a red? Red is good for wax, especially the liquid waxes, but gray is good for that too.

2 orange, 2 white, and 2 gray pads will do everything you want them to.
I have both the Griots and PC 7424XP and I prefer the PC. (It has a better feel to it) It spins the 6.5" pads just fine. It even works well with the hex-logic 7.5" self centering pads.
I got a G220v2 and it spins the 6.5" pads fine too......
But given the choice, 5.5" pads any day of the week! :xyxthumbs:
Have you tried the smaller pads Emm?
I put the order in just in the nick of time last night to get the 20% discount.. got the 5.5 plate and 6 flat pads... 2 orange 2 white 1 gray and 1 blue.. I got the blue bc I want to use collinite 476s and am hoping the blue will work to apply it.. I didn't get the 4 inch plate this time..I opted to get the lambswool backer and a set of bonnets instead.. I think next go round ill get the 4 incher and some of those 5.5 hydro pads.

Now I just have to find the perfect combo of products!
I got a G220v2 and it spins the 6.5" pads fine too......
But given the choice, 5.5" pads any day of the week! :xyxthumbs:
Have you tried the smaller pads Emm?

Yea I have tried the smaller pads, but I prefer the 6.5" and the 7.5" hex-logic pads, have you tried the hex pads?
Hey all, not to dredge this up yet again, but I had a question about the pads.. I did not see any red pads available for the flat LC 5.5s... I got a gray and blue though for applying wax/sealant.. would either of those work for applying a paste wax, like collinite 476s? Or would I need to purchase the hydro-tech or css pads? Any recommendations as to which one is better?
Yea I have tried the smaller pads, but I prefer the 6.5" and the 7.5" hex-logic pads, have you tried the hex pads?
I've got some 5.5" ones on the way to try out. I've heard many great things about them, the UK guys love them. :xyxthumbs: