View Full Version : First attempt at paint correction

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09-27-2010, 11:23 AM
Well I finally found the time to try my hand at paint correction. My father let me practice on his 2001 Tiburon. It was not very well taken care of before he bought it a few years ago and he hasn't really done much to it since he has had it except a few runs through an auto car wash. It was heavily swirled and had small scratches, RIDS and rock chips all over it. The paint was dull and lifeless. My goal was to get rid of most of the swirls and light scratching and brighten up the paint and make it shine. I knew it could never have a show car finish, I just wanted to make it look better and learn some things while doing it.

Products used:
Megs Gold Class Shampoo
Megs detailer clay
DP Rinseless Wash and Gloss mixed as a clay lube
Griot's Garage 6.5" ROP
LC 5.5" backing plate
LC CCS 5.5" orange pads with M105
LC CCS 5.5" white pads with M205
IPA mixed 50/50 with water
PoorBoys Black Hole
PoorBoys EX-P
Lots of microfibers

Some before pics:

passenger side before, dull and lifeless

hood before, swirls

roof before, swirls and many scratches

hatch before, notice all the fingernail? scratches below the spoiler (people just don't know how to close a door)

door before, large scratch I didn't think would come out

I really did not like using the M105, it was drying like crazy and I was having to use IPA to wipe it off. But I did like the results I got with it. It removed so many scratches I didn't think would come out. The large scratch on the door is almost completely gone, just a small vertical line and 3 small dots are left now. All the scratching on the hatch is gone and I had to work that area below the spoiler by hand. Guess I am going to keep trying different techniques with the M105 and hope I get it. The M205 was wonderful, long working time and easy to wipe off. It left a very nice smooth shiny surface behind.
The PB BH went on very smooth and came off just as smooth and I believe made the paint darker, I remember the car looking a lighter blue than when I was finished. The PB EX-P seemed to go on a little dry, I was trying to get it very thin and if I went a little heavier it seemed a little smoother but it buffed off very easily after drying for 30 minutes.

So here are the afters:

hood after, most swirls are gone I didn't get all of them but feel with more time and practice I could

roof after, most scratches are gone which I didn't think I would get that many to disappear

hatch after, all those fingernail scratches are gone (I don't know what all the white dots are, I couldn't see them but the camera sure could)

door after, nice reflection and that big scratch is almost not there

a couple more reflection shots


and overall I am happy with my first attempt, but I know I still have a lot to learn and am going to keep trying.

Thanks to everyone here at AutoGeek for teaching me what I needed to get started and for the continued education I will receive from all of you!

09-27-2010, 11:49 AM
Awesome !

09-27-2010, 02:33 PM
Awesome !

Thank You!

09-27-2010, 02:49 PM
:xyxthumbs:Doesn't look like the same car!

09-27-2010, 02:52 PM
Great job, I just finished polishing my car (first timer) too with m105 and found myself with similar problems. What worked for me was to keep working the m105 and have a primed pad. I was able to finish down to a mirror finish with m105 using those two methods. However, I had a bunch of dusting. Thats the only thing i don't like about m105. Again, great job.

09-27-2010, 03:01 PM
Great job!!!

tuscarora dave
09-27-2010, 03:24 PM
Very nice first time paint correction!! As for The 105 being a pita it is but it does create nice results. Great job!!

09-27-2010, 06:35 PM
I think you did a hell of a good job!

09-27-2010, 06:50 PM
great job man!

09-27-2010, 06:56 PM
Well done especially for a first attempt!

09-27-2010, 07:10 PM
Thanks everyone for the compliments! This really reassures me that I accomplished what I was going for. I have a couple more practice cars before I tackle my Honda and I'm going to try the 105 again but am still open to suggestions for something with more working time that can get the same results as the 105.
Thanks again, it's really good to hear!

09-29-2010, 07:50 AM
In my description I left out a very important part of this job, the help that I received. When I write I tend to write in the first person and since I was mostly describing the products and process we went through I kind of left out that there were two people doing this, me and my 80 year old father. He was awesome! He was wiping off all the dried on M105 that I was laying down. I think he worked harder than I did, and I was very tired after running the polisher all day so I know he was tired too. I could have never done this in two days if it wasn't for him, I would probably still be out there wiping off dried 105. So my hat's off to my Dad for all his help and hard work!!!!
Also my son helped a little, after spending the day at a JROTC car wash he came home and cleaned all the dust and splatter off the tires and wheels for me.

Here they are at work:


10-13-2010, 09:38 PM
Nice Job that looks Great!!!

Rob T
10-13-2010, 10:40 PM
In my description I left out a very important part of this job, the help that I received. When I write I tend to write in the first person and since I was mostly describing the products and process we went through I kind of left out that there were two people doing this, me and my 80 year old father. He was awesome! He was wiping off all the dried on M105 that I was laying down. I think he worked harder than I did, and I was very tired after running the polisher all day so I know he was tired too. I could have never done this in two days if it wasn't for him, I would probably still be out there wiping off dried 105. So my hat's off to my Dad for all his help and hard work!!!!
Also my son helped a little, after spending the day at a JROTC car wash he came home and cleaned all the dust and splatter off the tires and wheels for me.

Here they are at work:


Now that is very cool! Team work at its best. :props:

I love detailing a color like that. Polishing makes a huge difference.

10-13-2010, 10:49 PM
Sweet, nice job. love the color.

When are we going to see that black 2k detailed.:D
Need to do mine