Questions about Zymol, Meguiars Swirl X


New member
Oct 9, 2010
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Hello all,

This is my first post here and I have also posted a similar topic in the Meguiars forum to see if I can get some insight on this matter.

I have a PC XP machine that I use to detail my recently painted/Wet sanded (over a year) car in British Racing Green.

Because of my dark finish, which seems to acquire swirl marks if the wind blows to hard, I often polish and wax the car in this fashion:

1) I use the Pinnable XMT Intermidiatte Swirl Remover on a orange pad;
2) I follow that with Meguiars Swirl X on the white pad. I use the swirl X because after all the effort involved in breaking down the XMT , it is much easier to apply the Swirl X as a finishing polish.
3) I then wax the car...

-Only brand new mf towels touch this car. Reused one go to the daily driver. 20 brand new towels EVERY time-

Here is where I am stuck. I have used Meguiars Gold Class and NXT 2.0 and AutoGlym and both seem to leave a ittle haziness on my finish. I have some Zymol Carbon that I will be trying soom, but have not yet gotten to it.

My questions are;

What is your opinion on following the XMT Intermidiate Swril remover with the Meguiars Swirl X???

What wax, other than the ones I have/am about to try are good on really dark cars??

Thanks all
if you are seeing haziness after the two polish steps then consider a dedicated finishing polish and finishing pad. It will amp up the gloss and reflection too.

As far as nice waxes on black, consider Nattys Blue, P21S 100%, Pinnacle, Fuzion, and even DP Max Wax.
Unfortunately I have never used Megs swirl X, so I cant be of input there.

As for dark colored car waxes, the Zymöl is good, but does not last very long at all. Pinnacle Souverän is fantastic, as is DoDo Juice Blue Velvet. If you want longer protection, the Wolfgang high gloss paint sealant is really slick on dark colors as well.
Thanks for your replies. The problem with hazzines is after the wax.....I used to have a lot of haze and micromarring when I used XMT Intermidiate swirl remover on orange pad followed by XMT ultrathin on white pad, but replacing the XMT untrathin #1 with the Mreguiars on the white pad seems to have cured that.......

The swirl X leaves a very deep look, but it all goes away after applying the wax>>