waterless wash products


New member
Sep 5, 2009
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I'd like to open up a can here. The waterless product advertise that they offer paint protection and shine.(Ultima and Opti-clean) ect.

I'm not talking about wash bucket usage I'm referring to making quick detail from waterless wash products and spraying directly on paint and buffing for shine.
1. In the way of paint protection do these waterless products offer as much paint protection as the Spray on Quick wax products?
2. Do the waterless products create as much shine as spray on quick wax products?
1. No, The spray wax is going to provide more protection.

2. Some, I'm going to say the question is too generalized. There are too many spray waxes and waterless washes to compare against each other. Some spray waxes will not leave as high a gloss as some WW and vice versa.
My answer for #1 in the previous post was specifically stated towards OOC. I haven't spoken to Ultima but plan to talk to them tommorrow about something else. I'll verify this question while I'm on the phone.

Here was where I got my info about Opti-Clean...

My question in black. Dr. G's answer in blue.

5.- Do the polymers in OOC have any level of UV protection in them?

You do get some level of UV protection from the reflection effects as well as some sacrificial UV protection (the polymers breaking down rather than the paint). But for UV protection, you need specific compounds designed to block UV light. The main product we offer for exterior application that provides the most UV protection is Optimum Car Wax which contains these specific chemicals to block UV light.