With purchase do always get free samples?


New member
May 19, 2010
Reaction score
The reason I ask is because I see alot of people trying samples and it didnt say anything about free samples when i placed a $350.00 dollar order...Just curious because my stuff should be here today and if there is no free samples am I SOL?
How so?

- Because you didn't investigate how the program works?
- Because you expect AG to read your mind as to what you want?
There is no need for sarcasim, you would be a little displeased with it as well. I never once said it was their fault and yes I do take the blame for not knowing but it wasnt very clear to add free samples as well. Does it break my heart no but do I need someone on here telling me a I didn't do my due dilligence no I do not sir. Yes I take blame but if you read the thread i was just basically asking how it worked and when someone replied and sai I had to add the free samples I just said that blows which it does, anyway chalk it up to a lesson learned if you buy for the first time ask questions on how to buy things....<-----sarcasim. lol
There is no need for sarcasim, you would be a little displeased with it as well. I never once said it was their fault and yes I do take the blame for not knowing but it wasnt very clear to add free samples as well. Does it break my heart no but do I need someone on here telling me a I didn't do my due dilligence no I do not sir. Yes I take blame but if you read the thread i was just basically asking how it worked and when someone replied and sai I had to add the free samples I just said that blows which it does, anyway chalk it up to a lesson learned if you buy for the first time ask questions on how to buy things....<-----sarcasim. lol

Car Care Samples

I bet on your next order if you ask nicely in comments section you might get one extra to replace the missing one on this order.
How so?

- Because you didn't investigate how the program works?
- Because you expect AG to read your mind as to what you want?

:nomore:That was kinda harsh......A little rough on the Beav there, Ward.
To prevent anyone forgetting the free samples why not put a box on the checkout page that asks "Did You Choose Your Free Samples For This Order?"

I ALWAYS forget to ask for samples. I have never remembered to ask for them EVER!

Hell, at my age I'm lucky that I even remember that I have cars to polish!

And I am willing to bet you a free Fuzion that I will forget on my next order too.:cry:
I have noticed that when I scroll dow to the suggestions on my cart page, free samples is usually there.
I forgot to add the free samples to my last two orders. I realized it both times when I got the order confirmation email so I nicely replied to the email with 'Hey, I'm stupid...... I forgot to add my free sample. Could you add a sample of xxxxxxx for me?'

Sure enough, sample xxxxxx arrives with both orders!!!

May sound simple enough, but when you consider the effort involved in breaking the routine and efficiency of order processing just to make sure that this order over here needs to add this or that (much less a free sample), well.......

That's not just customer service, that's caring about your customers!!

Thanks Autogeek!!
Autogeek is a great place with a ton of quality products. They also have one of the finest customer service groups I've ever had the pleasure to call. Autogeek's customer service will bend over backwards, not forward, to make sure you the customer is satisfied.....all you need to do is pick up the phone or email them.
How so?

- Because you didn't investigate how the program works?
- Because you expect AG to read your mind as to what you want?

some people may automatically think that they get them with any purchase and not know that they had to add them to the cart, not everyone knows how something works sometimes...