Whispering in Max's Ear .....


New member
Mar 3, 2006
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If you could whisper one item that you would most love to see put on sale for a week, what would it be ?? Now remember whispering something in the ear tends to perk their interest, but offering specific pricing is considered slightly taboo. And I am not saying that Max will give-in but again perking his interest just might help during the coming summer detailing months. ;)
I'd like to see an applicator and towel sale...

if not that, the bucket system, just cause I want one real bad.
I'd like to see a "buy one get one at a certian percentage off" type deal. It could be for towels or wax or anything really. Put it on something that says Wolfgang and I know a lot of people who would jump on it. A lot.
Guzzlers, liquid souveran and/or free shipping ;)
Spilchy said:
I'd like to see free shipping for that week. Thanks.

I remember that with the 15% off code that basically came out to being free shipping.
Cobra Ultra Plush!! Please max!! I need a few more!! I know they've been unavailable (back ordered) for a bit, but I'd love to see something like a 20% off sale or a buy one get one free kinda thing. My debit card is ready, willing & able!!
The green guzzler,it is the best one i have used and own..So there's no confusion lets have a spring blow out and this way we can purchace many of spring cleaning items. Oh yeah DP krystal glass cleaner..
Free Shipping, Souvern buy one get one free :D or employee discount with free shipping :eek:
MF always gets people hmm hmm hmm buying

Cobra Ultra Plush!! I know I ... plus a few others can always a couple. :)
I'd love to see Souveran on sale. Coupled with a Mega Plush I think you would sell out both.
I would like to see a PAD/POLISH sale.

Buy a pad kit for 19.99 and get DP swirl remover for 5.99, DP this and that all for 5.99

Better yet, I would like to see SAMPLE kits. 3-4 ounces of each popular product.
Crazy Max is at it again, this time with a new line and special sale. Well everyone just got the newsletter, and there is your special sale! :eek: Check out the XMT thread if you did not get the newsletter!! :D