Key FOBs Keep Dying


New member
Aug 26, 2010
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I bought my 2003 Mazda6 in September. The car had 74k miles on it and the remote died about 3 weeks after I had the car.

I recently got a new remote from ebay. Programmed it and it worked for about 2 weeks and now out of no where it broke again.

I tried reprogramming both times with old and new batteries. Why does this keep happening / what should I do about?

I dont think it can be the valet button issue because I do not have one in the corner of my glove box.

Posted in a bunch of places so far no solutions. People have said it could be the buttons getting pressed in my pocket or them being pressed too hard however I doubt that as I do not wear tight clothes and my keys are usually the only thing in my pocket. I dont jam the buttons on the remote in although I have noticed it takes a little more effort to push the buttons on these FOBs than most others.

Any ideas would be helpful. I do not want to go the dealership because they quoted me 110 just to see if the signals are ok, with new keys and stuff it will easily be over 250
Honestly, it sounds like the dealer is going to be your bets bet. I never had any issues with my '07 Mazda6 in the 18 months I owned it. There must be some reason they keep going bad and they will probably be able to figure it out. I carried my keys I my pocket too and I doubt that would be the issue.
Dishing out that much money just seems like a waste on this issue. If I do not find a solution I will have to consider it though.
sounds like something is not disengaging and thus running batteries full time. Dont pretend to know remotes ... I do however support remote jackets (see Ebay) as they protect them from dropping.
sounds like something is not disengaging and thus running batteries full time. Dont pretend to know remotes ... I do however support remote jackets (see Ebay) as they protect them from dropping.

But that does not explain why the fobs dont work if I throw in new batteries.
Try smacking the back of the key fob, flat against the palm of your hand a few times and see if it works. I have an '04 Mazda 6 and the key fobs are known to be unpredictable. About 50% of the time I need to give it a good smack and then it works fine. The range on these fobs is pretty weak as well; you need to be within 50 feet or so for them to work. I just tried my spare fob because I temporarily lost my main set of keys and it didn't work at all. I'm hoping a new battery solves the problem.

Was the one on Ebay actually "new" or was it used?

Killr made a good point too...
It was used, but it would have to be really bad luck for them to break so soon of me getting both of them.
Posted in a bunch of places so far no solutions. People have said it could be the buttons getting pressed in my pocket or them being pressed too hard however I doubt that as I do not wear tight clothes and my keys are usually the only thing in my pocket. I dont jam the buttons on the remote in although I have noticed it takes a little more effort to push the buttons on these FOBs than most others.

Any ideas would be helpful. I do not want to go the dealership because they quoted me 110 just to see if the signals are ok, with new keys and stuff it will easily be over 250
Buttons could be pressed in your pocket. I have lots of pictures of the inside of my pocket taken with my cell phone.
try bending up the tabs for the battery contacts slightly. that will help with the unpredictability of them, as far as dying im not sure. ive done the contact bending thing quite a few times, almost always does the trick. just make sure to bend towards the battery and only slightly.
It is possible they were, but like i mentioned it takes some effort to press those buttons not like cell phone buttons. And if that were the case new batteries would fix it.
check battery and battery contacts for corrosion. clean with fine polish or contact cleaner