Cobra detailing brushes


New member
Dec 4, 2010
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Just recieved my set in the mail earlier this week:
COBRA DETAILING BRUSH KIT- Three detailing brushes for those who demand the greatest attention to details! Crevice brushes, interior brush

but had a couple questions. I plan to detail my 13 year old car's [1997 acura integra] engine bay that I doubt has ever been detailed before in it's life, later today
[Never had the balls to spray the bay since practically everything is out in the open (Spark plugs/wires, filter, distributor) but since i looked up a couple old threads, i'm gonna try it]

and i planned to use the new brush kit that i recieved along with some DP engine degreaser, question is, the label says the brass brush is to be used for "cleaning metal engine parts" but I believe i also read somewhere to not use brass brushes to scrub/agitate the bay?

but anyway, i wanted to combat that problem by using the nylon but i'm wondering if it's very easy to cross-contaminate? are these brushes easy to clean? cause I also want to use the nylon brush for certain areas on my paint such as behind the gas cap and the emblem crevices
Use the brass on the cast surfaces such as the intake manifold, engine block etc. The brass is softer than the cast surfaces and will not scratch them. Since castings have pitted surfaces, it is hard tonget in them and really clean. If they are painted, I would stick to using the nylon. I wouldn't use the nylon on the doghouse though because it is painted just like the outside is and will scratch.

They will normally clean up well but it takes a little bit of time to clean them because of the bristles being so tightly together. You actually may need the nylon brush to clean the brass because you will probably need to comb the gunk out of it.

I have brushes for each area of the car. Even if I have the same type of brush for the interior as I do the exterior and I don't cross them. But I think you will be fine. Clean and rinse them and you will be good to go. Hope this helps....
If they are painted, I would stick to using the nylon. I wouldn't use the nylon on the doghouse though because it is painted just like the outside is and will scratch.

wait what? I'm a little confused. if it's painted use nylon, but don't use nylon in the gas cap cause it's painted? [i'm assuming you meant something like the valve cover?]

but I guess I should have a dedicated set just for the engine bay, I was thinking I could get away by using just 1 of the 3 brushes for the bay.

thanks for the tips/suggestions.
Acura engine blocks and heads are aluminum. I would just stick with nylon for everything.
Yep sorry that was confusing. You are good to use the nylon O
on the cap, I was talking about the dog house being painted. Sorry about that.
Btw i use a vent brush for the emblems and badging..... It is boars hair and is much softer