DP rinseless question


New member
Oct 29, 2010
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Greetings All,

I have just started using DP rinseless which works quite well for me. My question is, mixed as a wash can I use it on my cloth convertible top? Thanks.
I've honestly never tried it on a convertible top, but I wouldn't see why not if your just mixing it with your wash soap and water. I'd wait for someone that's actually done it to chime in though. I'm sure someone has tried it before.
Thanks. I can see not using it mixed as a QD on the convertible top but as a wash I would think it would work. I will see what others say.
DP Rinseless will work fine for light to moderate cleaning on a vinyl top. For the cloth top, you will want to rinse the top afterwards.

If the top has embedded grime or stains, the Raggtopp cleaner would be the best choice.
Thanks Dwayne. I will use the rinse option. This is just for routine cleaning not stains so it should be fine.