need help removing permanent marker


New member
Dec 13, 2006
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:confused: sister just purchased a new van and some little kids in her building wrote on her exterior with a permanent marker....any advice on how to remove this mark without damagin the paint???thanks in advance...
I would try a light polish such as Klasse AIO or Poorboys Polish. I've also had good results removing "Sharpie Permanent Marker" with GooGone liquid. Then be sure to put a good layer of protection on it. :)

Now, about those little vandals with the markers . . . :mad:

Congratulations to your sister on her new van, will you be caring for it? :)
Crest Toothepaste Extra Whitening with a MF.

If not, a light polish should so it, or even clay.
NorahCRV said:
I would try a light polish such as Klasse AIO or Poorboys Polish. I've also had good results removing "Sharpie Permanent Marker" with GooGone liquid. Then be sure to put a good layer of protection on it. :)

Now, about those little vandals with the markers . . . :mad:

Congratulations to your sister on her new van, will you be caring for it? :)

Thanks for the replies people....appreciated...

and no...she will be doing this herself or she might have her husband do it since they live about an hour an a half pretty much new here so i have a Newbie question....whats AIO???i remember reading a thread saying what it stand for but i forgot....thanks again peeps....oh yea....what kind of protection do you recommend?
quantim0 said:
Klasse All-In-One, great stuff.

haha....there you go....

now, can i find this at the local autozone???or where can i get this stuff???because i was kindda reading on it and it says that its imported from germany....
Meguiar's Scratch X or rubbing alcohol. I had my previous car vandalized, and used both to remove permanent marker.
supercharged said:
Meguiar's Scratch X or rubbing alcohol. I had my previous car vandalized, and used both to remove permanent marker.
Oh I am sorry to hear that - that so sux.
Bad karma to whoever did that!!!!!