Indigo MF's ... Cobra or not?


New member
Jan 5, 2011
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as there seems to be an issue with the Indigo Cobra MF's (and i have a pair) and there manufacturing process and some being good and others not ....i'm sitting here scratching my head asking. .. Are these really Cobra towels or are they a form of rebranded or imitation Cobra towels? Kinda like Menzerna and FMJ ....?

Why are some MFs cut in one method and others a different way?

Obviously there are different towels for different jobs thus different textures and feels, but how does one know they are getting a genuine product and not a knock-off?

Curious minds wants to know ....
There is no company called cobra that makes MFs...all MFs are bought by some distributor/factory and named what they would like. Company A, B, and C can have the exact same MF just different names be it Cobra, Snake, Lion (hehe).

Hot wire cutting is fast and easy, take a wire that is heated and go down a large stack of mfs and boom you can have 100's cut in a jiffy compared to other methods of cutting fabric that will not "melt" the edges causing hard fiber ends.

Just remember...not every company can afford to make all there own products..very few companies do...most like Ag will contract others to make things to there spec, in list there chemist, or buy from a catalog and re brand and change color/scent...economies of scale...if there was no such would cost 10x as much as they do not as AG would have to start up a factory, hire workers and no one would buy them because of the price...creates low efficiency in the market which equals loss-loss for everyone.
i dont know why i assumed otherwise and made it more complex than that, but that makes perfect sense.... i wonder how the SAMS 24ct for 14.99 compare ..... hmmmmmmmmmmmm
i dont know why i assumed otherwise and made it more complex than that, but that makes perfect sense.... i wonder how the SAMS 24ct for 14.99 compare ..... hmmmmmmmmmmmm

can be ok, but edges are hot cut, will start marring after a wash or two...
can be ok, but edges are hot cut, will start marring after a wash or two...

I've got a ton of the Sam's club towels, and never once gotten marring from them, even post washing.

That said, I do think the towels AG sells are of slightly higher quality. I just can't justify the cost when I can get away with the less expensive towels.