Non/Low Foam Carpet Cleaner needed


New member
Sep 11, 2010
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I'm looking to get a carpet extractor in the near future and will probably be going with one of these Aztec "Hot Spotter":

or one of these Durmaid Super 1600:

BUT until then,my current Bissell (Auto version and NOT the little green)will have to do.It does an OK job for my interior details.

I'm looking for a good product to assist my current Bissell in cleaning dirty,stained customers carpets.
I was looking at these products:
Carpet Extractor cleaner, carpet extractor solution, carpet cleaner
1Z Einszett Industrie-Reiniger Industrial Cleaner
as I want something that's not going to foam up like crazy?
I use the Bissell Auto too. Love it.

I keep a gallon of Folex/Water mix bottled up ready to go. The Folex is very low/no foaming, and gets most jobs done no prob. If I need it, I will use a bit of Meg's APC+ to assist, but it will produce a little bit of foam (still low however).

I can't give an informed answer on the two products you mentioned above though. Either would be worth trying I would guess though, as they are both reputable brands.

I have tried the DP Total Interior Cleaner through the Bissell a few times, and it will produce lots of foam. Mind you, that is a totally different product than what you listed, so you can't base the extractor treatment on that.

IMO, Folex is the winner for cost and performance.

Folex is great stuff and I would just add that if you add a cup of vinegar to the recovery tank, you will substantially cut down on suds.