WOWA sealants on top of carnauba?


New member
Mar 4, 2006
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For those of you who have topped a carnauba LSP with a WOWA sealant (e.g., Optimum's, Ultima's, or Zaino's), did you see any value in this?

Was the look or durability of the carnauba improved?

My understanding is the WOWA sealant dissolves the carnauba and then the carnauba migrates(?) to the it's still on top.

I'm thinking about topping Souveran with OOS.
Thanks for any comments/experiences.
I always thought you should put sealant on paint first then apply wax if needed.
The WOWA sealants are somewhat of an exception to the "don't top a wax with a sealant" rule.
somebody was just saying the other day that the top maxwax with opti-seal and have had great results. seems like he said anthony orosco (guy who knows his stuff about optimum products) and maybe even Dr. G (founder of optimum) said that it wouldn't hinder the product's performance at all. I have no personal experience with it but thought i would share that with you.

found the thread.
The WOWA sealants are somewhat of an exception to the "don't top a wax with a sealant" rule.

Even after perusing one of your older threads, April of 2007, that deals with the same topic............whatchu talkin'bout
Opti-seal was one of the few sealants that suggested it could top a nuba product. Often when originally released Anthony use to show pics of a green Porsche and it was super wet looking.

It has however been suggested that most paint sealants cannot offer the best durability and protection unless bonding to clean paint devoid of oils.
But opti seal over a carnauba can really solve the dust(holding) problems most carnauba waxes seem to have!

I'll try topping SSII or Souveran with Opti-seal next! :D
Killrwheels- I do recall Anthony's pic of a green Porsche with OOS, but did not realize he had topped a carnauba with it.

I'm guessing that the WOWA sealant helps extend the durability and perhaps look of the carnauba....much like applying a spray sealant (like WG Spray or Red Mist) would.....more of a booster in function.
I personally still don't buy this "Great Migration Theory" I know they say it can be done but I would just rather seal then top with a nuba.
But opti seal over a carnauba can really solve the dust(holding) problems most carnauba waxes seem to have!

I'll try topping SSII or Souveran with Opti-seal next! :D

I have not used Opti-Seal but I have tried most of their products including Poli-Seal and OCW with good to excellent results. Optimum suggests that Opti-Seal will migrate from atop the carnauba to the paint surface, so it can be applied to a surface already protected with a wax. This may not mean that it will stop dust from binding to whatever carnauba is left on the paint after applying Opti-Seal, but the carnauba is not supposed to affect Opti-Seal's performance.

I you are having dust magnet issues with your carnaubas, I've found that Fuzion and Optimum Car Wax seem to have less dust collection than other waxes used over the years. I have not tried SSII or Souveran; however I understand that Souveran has a tendency towards holding dust.
I personally still don't buy this "Great Migration Theory" I know they say it can be done but I would just rather seal then top with a nuba.


Like I asked earlier: an almost four year old post from same OP. WHY? If OP, or someone else on this or other detailing forum, has obtained info since that post that is so earthshattering as: the above listed chemical "migration" does so exist!-- should, unless it is proprietory, be willing, unless prohibited by law, to share said info to the world.

If not being so able to do so, perhaps they should once again research Optimum products---Optimum's website still states: Opti-Seal is an LSP. If one so desires, it can still be used as a base ( goes under) for the purpose of topping with a wax. [Good golly another LSP! How many more times must I go 'round this dang car!]

Also, I can't find any mention of 'some kind of wonderful' "migration" that their chemists (or the ones they have subcontracted--maybe NASA?--nah) have happened upon. Wonder why?

Are we having fun yet? :)
For those of you who have topped a carnauba LSP with a WOWA sealant (e.g., Optimum's, Ultima's, or Zaino's), did you see any value in this?

Was the look or durability of the carnauba improved?

My understanding is the WOWA sealant dissolves the carnauba and then the carnauba migrates(?) to the it's still on top.

I'm thinking about topping Souveran with OOS.
Thanks for any comments/experiences.

cool, try it and let us know if you see further durability from the Souveran.

it cant hurt to try and test it out, regardless of smartass, elitist comments from other members.


I personally would rather top the sealant with the nuba wax.

I would imagine that WOWA sealants have strong solvents that produce the fast drying action. but hey, i'm no chemist.

Like I asked earlier: an almost four year old post from same OP. WHY? If OP, or someone else on this or other detailing forum, has obtained info since that post that is so earthshattering as: the above listed chemical "migration" does so exist!-- should, unless it is proprietory, be willing, unless prohibited by law, to share said info to the world.

If not being so able to do so, perhaps they should once again research Optimum products---Optimum's website still states: Opti-Seal is an LSP. If one so desires, it can still be used as a base ( goes under) for the purpose of topping with a wax. [Good golly another LSP! How many more times must I go 'round this dang car!]

Also, I can't find any mention of 'some kind of wonderful' "migration" that their chemists (or the ones they have subcontracted--maybe NASA?--nah) have happened upon. Wonder why?

Are we having fun yet? :)

1. No personal attacks toward members or non-members will be tolerated.
4. No bashing any company or their products. No bashing other people. If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all, this also includes talking to others in a demeaning manner. REMEMBER this forum is here for those that are new to detailing and those that have been doing this for years. We expect that you treat everyone with respect no matter what their level of detailing is. We all had to start somewhere.

I ask you, when each thread posts, do you check each members history to see if they have asked a similar question in the past? Surely you can do something better with your time than to fact check all my posts looking for doubles. I noticed your semi-new so you can't remember a thread from four years ago.Feed back please
1. No personal attacks toward members or non-members will be tolerated.
4. No bashing any company or their products. No bashing other people. If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all, this also includes talking to others in a demeaning manner. REMEMBER this forum is here for those that are new to detailing and those that have been doing this for years. We expect that you treat everyone with respect no matter what their level of detailing is. We all had to start somewhere.

I ask you, when each thread posts, do you check each members history to see if they have asked a similar question in the past? Surely you can do something better with your time than to fact check all my posts looking for doubles. I noticed your semi-new so you can't remember a thread from four years ago.Feed back please

I'm confused.
1. No personal attacks toward members or non-members will be tolerated.
4. No bashing any company or their products. No bashing other people. If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all, this also includes talking to others in a demeaning manner. REMEMBER this forum is here for those that are new to detailing and those that have been doing this for years. We expect that you treat everyone with respect no matter what their level of detailing is. We all had to start somewhere.

I ask you, when each thread posts, do you check each members history to see if they have asked a similar question in the past? Surely you can do something better with your time than to fact check all my posts looking for doubles. I noticed your semi-new so you can't remember a thread from four years ago.Feed back please

1. I believe you missed the point I was trying to make.
2. Personal attacks, bashing, nor talking in a demeaning manner of or to: members, non-members, companies or their products was not my intent or purpose. Sorry you took it that way.
3. As to checking members previous posts:
a) Never before--this was entirely by accident (as it were, I scrolled down too far to reply to this thread, and that's when I saw this topic under 'Similar Threads')
b) Often, I'm surprised when someone calls out that a similar topic has been discussed before--I always wondered how did they know this?
c) Being a semi-new member does not forgo a responsibilty to myself: after I've spent my time and money detailing a vehicle, I would hate to put some $15-20 (not inexpensive) product over an expensive (at least to me) wax such as Souveran not knowing to what results that it could possibly lead. That's where, IMO, the senior members could/should take the lead.
4. Again, the point I was trying to make is: If someone knows proof positive that products heretofore was deemed to perform/function in a given manner and have since changed in their performance/functionality should by all means inform eveyone on AGO and other similar detailing forums. To do otherwise, IMO, would be a disservice.
Wow! My intent in the OP was merely to ask for people's experience with WOWA sealants as toppers to carnauba...i.e.,get an update.

I do see that in April, 2007 I commented within a thread on Optiseal when it first came out and user experience was minimal.

I was now just curious about user experiences since then. I don't consider this a duplicate post, but whatever...I've slept since 2007 so I did not even remember that post, but did find it.

Sorry to upset anyone. I do appreciate the constructive comments. Peace out.
Oh my, I do see another thread in April 2007, where I asked generally about topping carnauba with a sealant. Sorry.