Dirty Carpets


New member
Mar 6, 2006
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Ok, I hate cleaning the interiors of cars... so I skip it most of the time :p .
This time though, I was cleaning my dad's old car, and the mats looked dirty. Take them out, spray with DP carpet cleaner... let it sit for a bit... then scrub with a brush for a couple seconds... vacuum up the moisture... end result... VERY dirty carpets. These used to be tan but now they are brownish/black. What the heck did I do and what can I do to fix it? :(Thanks!
Did you vacuum them before you sprayed them with carpet cleaner? If not, you might have "wet" the dirt and rubbed it in completely.

I'd whip up some Woolite/water and shampoo the whole thing.
What you did was bring the dirt to the surface (about 90% of the grime in carpet is plain ol dirt) and you most likely used a wet/dry vac after scrubbing, correct? What you need is an extractor, hot or cold doesn't matter. You need to flush out the grime and then extract it right back out. If you do not have an extractor (as they can be expensive) then go to the coin-op cr wash and hit the mats with the high pressure wand (no soap, just rinse) and then hang them to dry or use your wet/dry to get out as much moisture then hang them up to dry out. Anthony
If I can't get a pressure washer right away, what is a way to get rid of this dirt. Vacuum, spray cleaner, scrub, let dry?
abrcrombe said:
If I can't get a pressure washer right away, what is a way to get rid of this dirt. Vacuum, spray cleaner, scrub, let dry?
That's the idea. Keep in mind though, sometimes you will need so much of carpet cleaner that it is not worth it. On old mats I would not waste DP, I'd get some Megs APC, or APC+ dilute it with water 10:1, or even stronger 8:1 and see if that works.
And remember - it is always a good idea to have rubber mats. even if they will cost more (usually they cost less at the dealership, then carpet mats) they are worth it.

Good luck.
Degreasers are not made for carpet cleaning, even APC's are not the desired cleaner for carpets. Use a cleaner designed for cleaning carpets, get something like Folex, spray the mats, let it dwell for several minutes, agitate the carpets and then use a pressure washer to rinse them. Again, if you don't have a pressure washer then you can use the one at the coin-op car wash or use your garden hose with a jet stream nozzle attached. The idea is to flush away the cleaner and soap. If your cleaner has heavy surfactants which are not rinsed out then they will stay in the carpet and attract more dirt twice as fast. Anthony
Here is a question, what about steaming the carpet? Would this help in any way?
Thanks for all the advice.. If only I had a pressure washer or steamer. Looks like I have some stuff to buy. Also, I have only seen ONE coin-op in my life and I don't remember where it was located. :( I will just make do with what I have right now and save up for a pressure washer and/or steamer.
I'm actually considering purchasing a steamer, that is the only reason why I asked. Best of luck abrcrombe.