What's up all!


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Reaction score

Been gone a long time, but check in time to time.

Since dad died in August, I have been separated and pending divorce.

I am doing really well.

All my detailing stuff at my moms at the moment and plan on doing a paint correction in the future with her jeep and my sisters CX-7 and my Yukon.

Since then, I dinged the Yukon on a Sonic sign, it's ugly but will be fixed someday I hope.

I have a new squeeze, since counseling and aiming my healing towards myself as my marriage fell apart due to someone else. I planned on living a single life and quite happy. My co-workers kept persisting I contact a young lady that works at Probation and seen as I'm a jailer, we speak the same language, with a little lack of self confidence floating around, I contacted her. We have been inseparable since and having a ball.

I wanted to stop by and say hi and let you all know I'm alive and wanting our cold weather to stop so I can have fun with my car detailing stuff and get back into it. The Yukon has swirls galor and my new girl's Honda Accord needs some TLC as well.

With the above mentioned weather being less than 50 degrees, I won't be doing any write ups anytime soon but when it warms up, I plan on sweating my tail off and getting back in the groove doing things I like again.

I have been laughing, smiling genuinely lately, something I haven't done in a long time and happy.



Welcome back and sorry to hear about your Dad. It's good to hear life's turning around and things are looking positive, always a good sign.

Smile, laugh, enjoy life, and keep "shinning"....:props:
glad to see you back ... use us as an outlet to happiness and you will find more than several members always available to talk as needed. This is but a fork in the road and new and exciting challenges will soon be present. Good people deserve good things, but sometimes we need to reach out to grab them.

I have a story very similar to yours, my father died about three years ago in August, right after he was buried, I got hit with a divorce, I had a 7 year old so which really made it hard and my head was spinning... I had a lot of support from friends I kept my head on fairly straight.
I found myself doing a lot of exercise, specifically swimming and running, it was a great stress reliever, I also was drinking a lot of beer, the two pretty much canceled each other out. I've met a wonderful girl who loves me very much and I love her more! I am very happy these days and I do miss my father, but my memories are all good ones. The one constant thing I did during this time was detailing, I was able to keep all of my stuff and detailing for people on the weekends was great therapy for me.

Keep your head up and on straight and there's always sunshine around the corner!

Take care,

Nappers its good to see ya back on the forums. Sorry to hear about you dad.Hang in there and you'll be OK.
Tom, good to see your doing OK. Might try and have a little GTG this spring or summer for us hoosiers.
Nappers its good to see ya back on the forums. Sorry to hear about you dad.Hang in there and you'll be OK.
Tom, good to see your doing OK. Might try and have a little GTG this spring or summer for us hoosiers.

I'm in! ;)
You guys are awesome!

when I was down, I fell from detailing and didn't even look at my stuff, now that I'm happy, I am feeling the detailing bug again and look forward to nice weather and getting our cars in good shape again, especially moms Jeep as she helped me tons and put me up while I looked for a place to live. My new girl loves me to pieces and I love her to pieces and we just have a ball, we are same age, same nationality and we just laugh a lot. I spend a lot of time at her place and we just celebrated a month together.

I will try to keep up on the forum, but I have no internet at home and limited at work as some people abused it and we are cut off on days and only have it on nights from 0100 to 0600 and if we are busy at the ol' lock up, can't merrily cruise the forums (stinking cops) so.....

I'll keep in touch a little more!

Thanks again for warm welcome back. It's been a hard road!

Tom, similar stories indeed, glad to see your life turn around and yes! a new fork in my road and I am enjoying it.

God, family, good friends and modern chemistry for a good living.


Hi Aaron,

Good to see you back on the forums...

Stay positive...
