View Full Version : meguairs wheel brightener only in gallons?

02-25-2011, 01:28 PM
I have some built up break dust around the lugs and in areas where the rim was curb rashed.

Ive given up trying to remove the grime. Ive heard about wheel brightener. I assume its some sort of acid?

I was to buy some but I dont really want a full gallon. I assume this isnt supposed to replace normal wheel degreasers. More of a when you need it type thing.

If this is a when you need it type product, I could be sitting on it for a life time. I really just want to use it once and then maintain my rims.

Thoughts? Should I just buy the gallon and be done with it? Or are there other vendors that sell it in 32/16oz sizes?

02-25-2011, 01:30 PM
PM sent

02-25-2011, 01:42 PM
Thanks. I ordered the product. You can close this thread.