I remember...


In time out
Jul 31, 2006
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... when I was younger washing cars. I think it's because of my dad that my brother and I are so into it. We had to wash cars every weekend, come rain or shine, no matter what temperature it was outside. And trust me, in Europe it gets to be pretty cold!

I remember having this brush attachment to the hose. It was the greatest thing. You could just attached the brush, turn the water on and start washing! No soap needed, no sponges needed. And you could was the wheels with it as well! When I was done with it, I would throw it back to the back of the garage where I found it and dry the car off with an old chammy I found somewhere. It wasn't until years later that my grandfather gave me a packet of Turtle Wax and introduced car wash shampoo to us.

But even though my washing ways were barbaric compared to what we do now, I was always thrilled with the results and would proudly show off my work!

I cannot even imagine what the paint of our old cars would have looked like with the lights on it. I would probably have fainted!
Ahh memories . . . I remember being a youngster and using one of those spinning brush things that you attach to the hose. It had a little cup to add the extremely caustic soap that it came with.

Today, I have nightmares about that thing.