I Need Picture Help

Tex Star Detail

New member
Mar 3, 2006
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OK, I need a little help.
Since I bought my trailer yesterday, I am planning on getting vinyl done within a week.
Here is where I need a little help. I searched Detailing trailers, to find pics of other trailers. I want to see how they are lettered up. Well, most of the pics are gone or deleted.

I am headed out for a job this morning, and won't be back for a while. Can anyone find a few pics of trailers with vinyl done and post them up. They do not have to be your trailer, just any trailer will do. If you do not want to post a pic, just post a link then. I need to get something made up tonight on paper, so I can take it in and get an estimate.....

I really appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cheers:
I found scads of pictures but none with lettering or vinyl, sorry. Your request on another site turned up some good ones though.
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If you are going vinal, play around with this in mspaint :)

here i made ya a template, have fun with it! :)
