how to take out waterspot on body with a portol cable

nabisco shine

New member
Jun 17, 2010
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hey everyone i havent been here for a while stop detailing for half a year now!! i got laid off on my job due to a tsunami we got hit here in hawaii!! ;( anyway i just want to refreash my memeroy i have the the newer pc7434 i think and a burgundy pad megs cutting pad can i take out water spots on body with that and megs 105, d151, ultimate compund..? thanks guys
You could probably do that with yellow pad+151/105/UC, burgundy pad is just to harsh for me to use. How bad are the waterspots? They're not that difficult to remove unless they're seeping into the clearcoat. Sorry to hear bout your job, but did the tsunami reach havoc in Hawaii as well? Never think it would do damage that far away...
It looks like it's under the clear looking and I work at at resort called kona village resort it's now closed down for good:(
Well you can try the least agressive method first, if no success then take it up a notch.