Ok Im Finally going to Bite the Bullet & Get a Steam Cleaner! But! Which One?


New member
Sep 26, 2010
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So Ive been looking and Ive lots of people talking about the VX500 well I cant find who sells them. Also I read about this VC-4000-C-Steamer That seems like a nice one. I also saw a Gaia 3 in 1 but didnt find much info or reviews on it. What kind of warranty do steamers come with? What do you guys suggest?
I have the Unilux 3000 from Vapor Clean.

Steam Cleaner has some nice ones. I would go for one with water injection and continuous fill.
So Ive been looking and Ive lots of people talking about the VX500 well I cant find who sells them.

From what I understand, VX5000's are only sold by the manufacture. Another detailing supply store check into stocking them, but they wouldn't budge off the price. Nor would they drop ship. Pretty stupid business decision IMO
you can get one from renny doyle who was at detail fest this past week end at autogeek
I own the Gaia and have for about 2 years. I love it and it has performed well for me. I have written a lot about it and will share a few links here for you to read. First off is a review (my first) I wrote about it:

Gaia Vapor Clean Review

Here is where I thought I broke it but it turns out I had pulled the hose out of the socket enough to upset the electricity flow:

My steamer broke

here's where I discovered there are lots of uses for the steamer (and helps to justify the cost to the wife!):

A+ for my steamer

Here's a writeup I did including a You Tube video:

Gaia Steamer Performance

Here, I defy you to find a worse carpet then this to save:

Saving a terrible carpet

Several people have purchased one on my recommendation. I don't make it lightly. I have been happy with mine and so have the people who bought one too. The extraction capacity is what really makes it a winner in my books.
The warranty is for a year and lifetime on the boiler IIRC.
Dang Richy. I'm going to rename you King of Steam. Very nice reviews you got going on there :applause:

BTW...When did you get the Lincoln
I recently bought a Daimer steam cleaner after doing a considerable amount of research. The Daimer continuous fill units have a self cleaning boiler which was one of the deciding factors for me. I really wanted to buy a Dupray steamer but had a hard time justifying the significant price increase. Definitely buy a continuous fill unit, most companies estimate the hours of operation based upon the units lowest pressure setting.
thanks for the review ritchy -as far as the xtractor goes on your unit is it comparable to a stand alone extractor?-i really like your posts to-thanks
That continous feed is what I'm looking for. Thanks for the info :dblthumb2:

You are welcome.

The 300CS will produce about 2 minutes of steam on full pressure before the pressure drops significantly and you have to wait 30 seconds for it to build up again. Which is fine for me because I can wipe away the freshly loosened dirt and grease with a microfiber towel while I wait.

I would be interested to know how long some of the other steam cleaners can operate before the boiler pressure drops.
Dang Richy. I'm going to rename you King of Steam. Very nice reviews you got going on there :applause:

BTW...When did you get the Lincoln
Thanks Flash, I do enjoy using it. The Lincoln I got December 1, 2010. I did a cool thread where I prepared it from delivery. I had them leave it exactly as it was off the truck.

thanks for the review ritchy -as far as the xtractor goes on your unit is it comparable to a stand alone extractor?-i really like your posts to-thanks
John, I hadn't owned an extractor prior to this so I can't answer that.
Anyone know anything about this steamer? Not bad at $380:

You are welcome.

The 300CS will produce about 2 minutes of steam on full pressure before the pressure drops significantly and you have to wait 30 seconds for it to build up again. Which is fine for me because I can wipe away the freshly loosened dirt and grease with a microfiber towel while I wait.

Sounds like exactly what I need

I would be interested to know how long some of the other steam cleaners can operate before the boiler pressure drops.

G L, I can never get a straight answer to this when I've asked before.
Thanks Flash, I do enjoy using it. The Lincoln I got December 1, 2010. I did a cool thread where I prepared it from delivery. I had them leave it exactly as it was off the truck.

Well, where is this thread you speak of :help:
Just got a vx-5000 in today..... will have a good review on it within a day or 2 , dont know how quick you need to purchase one.
Just got a vx-5000 in today..... will have a good review on it within a day or 2 , dont know how quick you need to purchase one.

I've been waiting 2 years. I think I can probally hold off another day or two. Look forward to your review
So I was watching a video and they showed using a steam cleaner for a waterless car wash...anyone ever done this?
HERE ya go. It was gassed up for me and that's it. It was great to get it that way with no dealer damage whatsoever.

Wow, that things super sexy. Nice ride Richy :props:

Tell Carlos and Dana, Flash sends Hugs and Kisses to them both :kiss: