NO BLUEBALLS !!to do dam bluelaw!!


New member
Nov 8, 2006
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cant get my dam blueballs tonit do to the dam blue law in bergen county nj nothings open on sundays nj sucks ill have to get them tomorrow:( :( im so blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused: :confused: :confused:
Sounds like somebody stated the spirits a little early this New Years Eve !!
all I can tell is he cannot get any , stores closed. Not sure what type of stores he was looking for blue balls in however. I know a couple establishments that open late, guarantee to drain your wallet, and send you home with blue balls as a parting gift. But thats likely another story ...
You could always borrow Scotts, he always shares his blue balls:D
killrwheels@autogeek said:
all I can tell is he cannot get any , stores closed. Not sure what type of stores he was looking for blue balls in however. I know a couple establishments that open late, guarantee to drain your wallet, and send you home with blue balls as a parting gift. But thats likely another story ...

Scott, Scott, Scott. For shame!
Dig your head back out of the gutter!!
hee hee
killrwheels@autogeek said:
all I can tell is he cannot get any , stores closed. Not sure what type of stores he was looking for blue balls in however. I know a couple establishments that open late, guarantee to drain your wallet, and send you home with blue balls as a parting gift. But thats likely another story ...

Priceless response! Good show.
sunday all the retail stores are closed do to the blue law its only 1 town by me that cant have anystores open on sundays but all the other stores follow the law. i know it sounds crazy but thats how it is. anyway ill pickthem up tomorrow at bedbath . i think they have them there. happy new year. ill be bringing in the new year with some new blueballsssssss:cheers: :cheers: :D :D :D :Dusaully im out partying on newyears eve and getting drunk with my buddys but now i have to be responsible i have a 4 month old so no more parting .so insted of going out drinking im home changing diapers and worried about getting my microfibers nicew and fluffy .what a life i lead now.lolo you crack me up killr. oh and by the way the blueballs im looking for are the ones for the towels. not the other ones.lolo
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I think our mf towels will all be just fine until this Tuesday!!!
prostitution is illegal in NJ...take your Blue Balls to another state!
just woke up ifeel much better now .sorry about fliping out over the blueballs. today i will go out and buy some . are stores open on newyears????
What's all the fus about blue balls. I know I don't want blue balls and I need to save my money for detailing products.
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Man, I am so confused reading this thread........
So much misleading info!!!!! LOL
trhland said:
just woke up ifeel much better now .sorry about fliping out over the blueballs. today i will go out and buy some . are stores open on newyears????

the title of this thread was a little whack....
some stores are open; many are not.
good luck in your hunt!:)
let me clear up the blueballs topic

let me clear this up blueballs for the dryer to dry your microfibers . not the other kind of blueballs . i do get from time to time but thats another story. hope this clears this up. and yes i did pick up my balls today and there bouncing around in the dryer as i type:D :D :Dand stores are not open on sunday by me .
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trhland said:
let me clear this up blueballs for the dryer to dry your microfibers . not the other kind of blueballs . i do get from time to time but thats another story. hope this clears this up. and yes i did pick up my balls today and there bouncing around in the dryer as i type:D :D :Dand stores are not open on sunday by me .

yo Tom - a little tmi. too much information.
i think there are other sites can help you with that issue.
sorry, i couldn't help myself. i am bad. :D
Let us know if those balls turn out to be as big of a deal as they have become. we are making them famous ...
Im the MAN Lauren the jokster
ltoman said:
yo Tom - a little tmi. too much information.
i think there are other sites can help you with that issue.
sorry, i couldn't help myself. i am bad. :D
Let us know if those balls turn out to be as big of a deal as they have become. we are making them famous ...
Im the MAN Lauren the jokster
no prb lauren. i was getting a little silly there for a moment ill do that from time to time . just to break things up:o ill get back to you on the dryer balls to let you know what i think of them .as soon as the load is finished thanks! happy new year!!
trhland said:
no prb lauren. i was getting a little silly there for a moment ill do that from time to time . just to break things up:o ill get back to you on the dryer balls to let you know what i think of them .as soon as the load is finished thanks! happy new year!!

She is soooo beautiful!!!! Awwww!! LOVE that snapshot!!
She is born the same day as my son - different year, obviously.
Cutie pie!!