Simple Green on wheels and tires.


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Nov 15, 2006
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Hey, someone try using Simple Greeen on wheels and tires. For me, it cleans AWESOME. WAY better than specific wheel and tire cleaners. I have not tried it on the wheel wells yet, because it is winter and I live in Olympia, Washington, so it rains a lot during winter. Simple Green is cheap, you can buy it in gallons, just refill your spray bottle, and it provides OPTIMUM lubrication. Someone PLEASE try it and tell me what you think! I think that you will not disapointed. killrwheels, I would really like you to try this because you are very experienced. Thanks in advanced!

Is it safe to use Simple Green on aluminium?

Simple Green products have been successfully and safely used on aircraft, automotive, industrial and consumer aluminium items for over 20 years. However, caution and common sense must be used: Aluminium is a soft metal that easily corrodes with unprotected exposure to water. The aqueous-base and alkalinity of Simple Green or Crystal Simple Green can accelerate the corrosion process. Therefore, contact times of All-Purpose Simple Green and Crystal Simple Green with unprotected or unpainted aluminium surfaces should be kept as brief as the job will allow - never for more than 10 minutes. Large cleaning jobs should be conducted in smaller-area stages to achieve lower contact time. Rinsing after cleaning should always be extremely thorough - paying special attention to flush out cracks and crevices to remove all Simple Green/Crystal Simple Green residues. Unfinished, uncoated or unpainted aluminium cleaned with Simple Green products should receive some sort of protectant after cleaning to prevent oxidation.

One should never assume that aqueous solutions could be disposed of down the drain. Your local water treatment authority or publicly owned treatment works (POTW) will have information on treatment and disposal of these cleaners. Adjustment of pH and dilution are usually required before disposal to a drain.
Simple Green is corrosive and will react with bare aluminium causing hydrogen embrittlement (this is also known as stress cracking corrosion).

As the cleaner gradually ferments it reduces the pH from its normal mildly alkaline state to acidic. Slow corrosion of the aluminium results, generating a little hydrogen on the surface. Anaerobic conditions also generate hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide bio chemically, producing small amounts of methane. The aluminium probably has sufficient residual stress to be susceptible to hydrogen stress cracking, and this can be accelerated by the sulphide.

From Simple Green’s FAQ-

Simple Green products have been successfully and safely used on aircraft, automotive, industrial and consumer aluminum items for over 20 years. However, caution and common sense must be used: Aluminium is a soft metal that easily corrodes with unprotected exposure to water. The aqueous-base and alkalinity of Simple Green or Crystal Simple Green can accelerate the corrosion process. Therefore, contact times of All-Purpose Simple Green and Crystal Simple Green with unprotected or unpainted aluminium surfaces should be kept as brief as the job will allow - never for more than 10 minutes Large cleaning jobs should be conducted in smaller-area stages to achieve lower contact time. Rinsing after cleaning should always be extremely thorough - paying special attention to flush out cracks and crevices to remove all Simple Green/Crystal Simple Green residues. Unfinished, uncoated or unpainted aluminium cleaned with Simple Green products should receive some sort of protectant after cleaning to prevent oxidation.

Simple Green® Aircraft & Precision Cleaner:
Meets Boeing Specs –D6 – 1748-7P (Water based, no solvents)

Extreme Simple Green®, Simple Green’s new aircraft and precision cleaning product, cuts through tough, built up grease, oil, dirt, pollution, insect residue and impact soils. We’ve found no other aircraft-approved product on the market that matches Extreme Simple Green’s cleaning performance. Yet, it causes no harm to aircraft structural metals, plastics, paints, or coatings.

How does it do this?
Extreme Simple Green gets its superior cleaning from a unique “triple play” cleaning formula. Two high performance surfactants and a new generation grease lifter/cutter combine to get the soil away from the aircraft surface quickly and then keep it away so that it can be cleanly rinsed away. Extreme Simple Green’s speed of grease cutting and its high capacity to hold grease, oil and soils in solution during cleaning and rinsing time are the keys to performance. This equals fast cleaning and no re-deposition, but Extreme Simple Green is also able to go into oil/water separators and have oil break from solution.

Extreme Simple Green’s safety upon aircraft materials and precision cleaning surfaces comes from a combination of proven anti-corrosion agents. A time tested coupling agent allows these to work together to battle corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement. These same qualities make Extreme Simple Green safe to put through pressure washing equipment, rack wash systems, dip tanks and parts washers, without any equipment damage.

The components of Extreme Simple Green are all low-toxicity compounds and the product contains no “solvents”. This leads to an excellent worker’s safety environment. All of the components are biodegradable, so Extreme Simple Green won’t accumulate in the environment and rinse-waste can be handled by standard waste water treatment methods. Extreme Simple Green meets or exceeds current and reasonably anticipated VOC requirements. It also contains no Clean Air Act Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP), nor is it a RCRA hazardous waste in and of itself when disposed.

Industrial Equipment
Simple Green offers a multitude of ways to ensure proper use, dilution, mixing, and application of our outstanding cleaning products, including 30-, 60-, and 80-gallon capacity parts washers, a multi-dilution foamer, and a 4-way proportional. Click here to view Simple Green's industrial equipment

Alternative product - Simple Green® Aircraft & Precision Cleaner:
Meets Boeing Specs –D6 – 1748-7P (Water based, no solvents)
Luke said:
Hey, someone try using Simple Greeen on wheels and tires. For me, it cleans AWESOME. WAY better than specific wheel and tire cleaners. I have not tried it on the wheel wells yet, because it is winter and I live in Olympia, Washington, so it rains a lot during winter. Simple Green is cheap, you can buy it in gallons, just refill your spray bottle, and it provides OPTIMUM lubrication. Someone PLEASE try it and tell me what you think! I think that you will not disapointed. killrwheels, I would really like you to try this because you are very experienced. Thanks in advanced!
I do not recommend using it on wheel. My own opinion. It's strong, and acid based. I'd rather stick with a good gel wheel cleaner, like DP, ot P21S.
I find it to work very well on tires and wheels with the exception of uncoated polished wheels. In this case don't use it period. It can leave a milky splotchy stain on them (don't ask me how I know). As with other strong cleaners it's best if Simple Green isn't applied to a hot wheel. If they're chrome, clear coated or painted then Simple Green works well as wheel and tire cleaner. It also works very well on raised white letters or white wall tires. I also use it to clean the wheel wells with good results. I buy it in 5 gallon containers, automotive strength (very economical this way). It works well in cleaning guns also. One of my friends was in the National Guard and his unit made the soldiers take their rifles into the shower with them and clean them with Simple Green after a day at the range. I thought this was pretty funny. I had already been cleaning Glock's with it for years.
Wait, so don't use Simple Green on painted wheels? And does Automotive Simple Green strip wax? Where do you buy it in 5 gallon containers?
Luke said:
Wait, so don't use Simple Green on painted wheels? And does Automotive Simple Green strip wax? Where do you buy it in 5 gallon containers?
I've had zero problem with Simple Green on painted wheels. It's just the uncoated wheels that I'm suggesting you keep it away from. I pick my 5 gallon containers up at Checker Auto (Shuck's or Kragen depending which part of the country you live), I've also seen it at Auto Zone. It's only about $50 for a 5 gallon container. The automotive Simple Green also seems to be stronger than the multi-purpose version of Simple Green. It also works very well on Epoxy Coated garage floors. The sparkle like they were just poured after using it.

Side note here. Simple Green has developed a whole line of automotive specialty products including a wheel foam (it claims to be safe for all types of wheels). This isn't the product I'm referring to.
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What do you mean "coated wheels"? And does the Simple Green strip wax? Beacuse I have the foam gun, and Simple Green might work better in the foam gun when its raining out and I just want to rinse my car off. Thanks to all in advance!
Luke said:
What do you mean "coated wheels"? And does the Simple Green strip wax? Beacuse I have the foam gun, and Simple Green might work better in the foam gun when its raining out and I just want to rinse my car off. Thanks to all in advance!
I wouldn't consider putting this on the whole car. It would certainly strip wax and who knows what else. It works well on wheels and tire due the the element they live in. It cuts, oil, tar and brake dust well. It's way to strong for the rest of the car. That old saying about using the least aggressive product you can use to do the job is good advice here.

A non-coated wheel is one that uses a polished only finish. It's basically raw aluminum or other alloy and too porous to use Simple Green on. A coated wheel is one that is clear coated, powder coated, painted or chrome.
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I personly dont like simple green. I dont feel safe with it, I dont know why but it just dosnet seem like a good product to me. I have had troubles in the past with it not working, then working almost to well, it leaves the rim looking diffrent (on painted rim, which most are).
If i were you I would spend the extra money and get a gell wheel cleaner. My personal fav is P21S gell wheel cleaner, this stuff is awsome. Use a sponge (the one the smaller containor comes with) and you spray on, you can let sit and you dont need to srub, but you can also give it a qucik rub.This is awsome stuff. It will not hurt a wheel and will get anything off.

The other one have heard is awsome is that DP wheel cleaner, i have heard it is similar to P21S, but a little weaker, needs a litle more scrubbing but its an awsome product. Its relivly cheap. I haveny used it yet, its going to be in my next order.
But i would use a dedicated wheel cleaner that is safe for all wheel types. all rims are expensive even facotry ones so i dont think its worth risking it,,

just my 2 cents
I used Simple Green on polished aluminum and it worked great? But it is not a good idea?
For bulk detailing I plan on doing this: Megs Wheels brightener on most wheels, I feel it's safer than Simple Green.

For uncoated wheels, aluminum wheels, and such I'm going to use DP Wheel Gel which is supposed to very good and cost effective.
Is there any CHEAP, but AWESOME wheel cleaner? And does AA foam work well for cleaning tires? How long should I let it sit before I give it a scrub? Thanks!
Anyone know anything about using AA foam for cleaning? I would think that it would provide a shine, and then another coat of a gel would be awesome! Whitethunder, have you tried this before?
AA foam is a great cleaner and sub-base to a tire gel for dressings.

Justin started a rave dealing with AA foam followed up by AA Gel.

The foam by itself will last a few days and about one rainstorm, whereas topped with a gel should last at least two weeks.

AA foam topped with AA Gel: