Good techniques to avoid water spots / Filter


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Mar 20, 2011
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Hi autogeeks,

I live in South Florida and the water seems to be very hard down here per the following pages. (I have never tested my water out but I continue to see spots).

hard Water Map
Water Hardness in the United Sta

I tend to wash in the mornings with most of the car in the shade. I sheet the water for the rinse and dry it quickly with a family member helping but spots tend to stick around. A quick detailing spray after for the trunk lid, roof, and hood isn't always effective.

I have looked through several posts here and it seems the CR Spotless units are the best. The filter here at AutoGeek, the Griot one, and others online don't appear to be as effective and all require drying with towels. Can anyone provide some recommendations? When these filters say 100 gallons or 300 gallons that means you need to buy more stuff after then? When do you replace the resin cartridge? When do you buy more resin? If I wash one car with this using the two bucket method every week how often will I need to buy more refills and such? I think I'll get a foam cannon soon to use with my pressure washer so that will use less water.
I live in tx and do mobile detailing in parking lots and customers homes, in direct sunlight, I use optimum no rinse with the drying towels on my shoulders, wash one panel passing the towel over the panel several times to cool the surface then my initial drying towel which gets most the water off the surface followed by the next towel to completely dry, optimum no rinse also softens the water, great product you should check it out :)
I live in tx and do mobile detailing in parking lots and customers homes, in direct sunlight, I use optimum no rinse with the drying towels on my shoulders, wash one panel passing the towel over the panel several times to cool the surface then my initial drying towel which gets most the water off the surface followed by the next towel to completely dry, optimum no rinse also softens the water, great product you should check it out :)
I agree about ONR. I would add an oz. to both buckets or just rinse the car with a hose and then do an ONR wash before I would get a filter and all that involves. ONR is a must have product!
You could also look in to a blower to dry the car. I never have a problem with water spotting when washing my car back at home.
Thanks for the reply. I have seen this product before and it seems to have good reviews but my car tends to get fairly dirty every week since the parking lot at my work has many trees, leaves, sprinklers, etc that really can't be avoided. My car gets spots, dust, and dirt. Wondering if this product is really suited for that level of dirt. Also, wouldn't it require many drying towels and/or microfibers and get them pretty dirty?

I have a regular electric leaf blower but never considered using it to dry my car. As I wash and dry the car I still don't know if I'd be fast enough before the spots set in. Wouldn't it have the potential of blowing particles in the air to scratch the finish?

Can anyone else comment on the CR systems? When using a regular garden hose as opposed to a pressure washer, how do you restrict the GPM to the required low level?
Sometimes I will use my RODI system that I use to make water for my reef tank to rinse car with so there will be no spots even if I dont dry since its 0 TDS
I assume your RODI system is quite expensive, 05xrunner.
na you can get them for about 130bucks or so..but they only make like between 24-100gallon per day..they are not unit has a 75 GPD membrane in takes about 10gallons of water to get my whole car washed off with it. So you have to make all the water before you start..then at end I pour it over the car in buckets.
what i have
75 GPD RO/DI 4 Stage Economy System - English
Sounds like a lot of work to make all the water and pour it over the car in buckets. Especially for larger cars and SUVs.
yea its not something i would say to do if you do alot of cars..but I only do my car and sometimes i get lazy and if I dont wanna dry it i will just pour it over the car
Let me bump this thread.I'm having the same problem,after washing my black car I try to quickly dry it off with a microfiber cloth, but it always leaves water spots I can remove them with a quick detailer, but is there another way to leave a spot free rinse?
I have put together a systme similar to the CR for around $140.00. Check with your local plumbing supply store and they can get you on the right track!:xyxthumbs: