My apologies ...


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Dec 30, 2006
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... for asking what must be the most-asked question of all time, but I am so confused and frustrated.

I have owned a PC 7336 for several months now, but I've never used it because I've never bought anything else but the PC. I am suffering from a severe case of analysis paralysis trying to determine what products (i.e. pads, polishes, waxes, etc) to use. The options are truly mind-boggling.

First of all, my cars are older ('80' BMWs, with and without clearcoat, and a '01 Toyota Sequoia). They will never be show winners and they all have some blemishes that no amount of detailing will fix. I just want to make them more presentable, be able to remove some swirling and minor scratches, and preserve the paint as best I can.

My priorities, not necessarily in order, are

1. simplicity.
2. durability.
3. cost.
4. appearance.
5. don't break anything.

I was leaning towards the Klasse 'twins' (super size kit) because of the durability, and, so I thought, ease of use, though I hear that the SG can be difficult to apply. Along with an assortment of LG CCS 7.5" pads (1 orange, 1 white, 2 gray, 1 green) and a 6" backing plate. I suppose I would also need something more aggressive than the AIO. killrwheels then suggested (thanks again, BTW) a poorboys kit ( and a sealant ( or

I'll probably just go with those, but I thought I'd see if anybody else in my shoes had a suggestion.:confused:

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You're going to get all kinds of suggestions.

Supposedly, XMT polishes are very easy to use and are specifically developed for the PC.

Also, the Edge pads are very nice for NO backing plate is required and they are dual sided so you can use both sides.

Klasse AIO doesn't have very many abrasives I don't believe. Also, it's more of an acrylic product so it makes for a great cleaner and prepper product before waxes and sealants. I ordered some but will just be using for window's for it's supposed to last for at least a month.

As far as sealants, I chose Duragloss #105 for it's supposed to last at least 6 months and works on a variety of colors. Also went with Poorboy's Natty's Blue paste wax for a carnauba to bring out a little more "pop" in the paint.

Also, I got Duragloss aquawax which is a spray wax and can be used inbetween waxes and add to the durability of present waxes. Supposedly this by itself will last 2-4 weeks.

Everything I mentioned is what I've just ordered and should be in tomorrow. I researched for 2 months before ordering my PC and these products. I hope this helps some.
If you are going for the make it easy set up, get the Edge Pad Kit. Can't get any easier than that. As far as SG being difficult, the only thing really difficult about it is know how thin, "thin" is. That said there are easier sealants to apply. I'm a carnauba guy but if you're looking for an easy sealant DP's is very easy and looks nice. The XMT line up is more than likely all the polish you'll ever need, easy to use and priced right. Take a look at the XMT glaze also. You can always skip the sealant and use a wax instead, those already mentioned are excellent choices (Natty's Blue, DP MaxWax or Pinnacles Signature) or you can put a coat of DP sealant down if it doesn't turn your crank put a coat of wax on top of it as a LSP. This doesn't have to be hard most lines have a complete system to accomplish the task at hand, the part that can be difficult is when you try and get the best of each line up and use them together. It can be overwhelming and you get into areas where there is cross over from one lines product to the next lines product. Good Luck and don't sweat it.
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Poorboys kit looks like a nice deal. It gives you a number of pads that you don't need to buy seperately.
Assuming your basically going to be doing one car at a time I like the LC pads. I have rarely needed more than one of a given pad and thats only when I do elaborate first time details all with pads (compound, polish, jewel, seal, overseal, carnuba, carnuba) at which you might want two LC oranges and two grays. You also want the 6.5" pads with a 5" backer. Your BMWs are small and have some tight places. Smaller pads and plate let you get more places and use the edge of the pad.
I just put the Klasse twins on my black 93 325, did not have any trouble, but did not like the look so now I am overcoating with layers of carnuba for depth. Try the PB's first and you can experiment with the smaller twins later. Remember, especially with the twins, a little does go a long way. Less than an ounce each to do my car. They also look better after you get most of the marks out of the paint.
Don't forget to get some good stuff to wash and dry them with. Once you have them cleaned up you do not want to put the swirls back in if you can help it.
Hope this helps. Keep it simple and plan on practicing until you get what you want.
analysis paralysis --- I think I had this once, but over analysized it to death. Grab some , try it, and if you dont like it, someone here with trade it. But you gotta get started. I still think Poorboys kit adding EXP is your answer.