Micro polish or Final polish?


New member
Mar 6, 2009
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Hey guys,

Last 2 times I used my favorite combo Cyan pad with Menzerna Intensive polish, I found some slight haze/hologram left with my tangerine/ Final polish II or Micro polish ( cut 2.0 on the mezn scale).

I'm thinking maybe the Final polish is not strong enought to eliminate all the stuff Intensive Polish left behind. Would buying Final polish ( cut 2.5) would help in this situation ?

The slightly more cut would held better result while still finishing the same ( 4.5)

At the moment, I feel more secure with Cyan- IP and Tangerine - IP.
Hey guys,

Last 2 times I used my favorite combo Cyan pad with Menzerna Intensive polish, I found some slight haze/hologram left with my tangerine/ Final polish II or Micro polish ( cut 2.0 on the mezn scale).

I'm thinking maybe the Final polish is not strong enought to eliminate all the stuff Intensive Polish left behind. Would buying Final polish ( cut 2.5) would help in this situation ?

The slightly more cut would held better result while still finishing the same ( 4.5)


I had the same problem recently while using Power Finish (PO203) followed by Super Finish "Nano" (PO106FA) on a GG DA. I figured out it was operator error. I had to work the Super Finish longer and at a higher speed (5.5), using very little pressure on the last two section passes. Seems the finer Menzerna polishes have to be worked a bit longer and higher speeds to break down the abrasives.

After doing that it finished off beautifully with the tangerine pad.

Had exactly the same results on a softer paint using PO85RD as my final polish. Had to work it longer too. Gorgeous finish with the 85RD though!

