boat decals... Buffing problem???

hemi ram55

New member
Mar 13, 2011
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Hey all, well im working on my uncles boat. Its a 24ft scarab boat and he loves it more than life lol. Im doing a complete overhaul on the boat and cleaning every inch of it. I buffed out most of the panels and its coming along great. my only question is there are a lot of decals on his boat, can i buff right over the decals or is that a no no. I use a pc 7424 and the decals are the next section to do. Or should i just try and get as close as possible without actually hitting them. i hope not so i dont have to buff by hand. Thanks all.
I have done many boats some with decals some with out and I also use a pcxp and I've never had a problem with going over them the only thing I would suggest would be using a slower speed and be gentle around them. But I've never had them peal or flake or discolor.
Go right over the vinyl, no problem. Even if you were using a rotary. Just be careful. They get build up too. They will look better after polishing.
I forgot about that but your right the decals have actually brighten up once you've buffed over them
you can go over decals with a polisher even if youre using an abrasive polish/compound? what about pinstriping?
you can go over decals with a polisher even if youre using an abrasive polish/compound? what about pinstriping?

yes you can any kind of vinyl decals, pinstriping ive even gone over bumper stickers and had good results but like we were saying take your time with low speed and be careful. ive personally never had any problems