UTTG vs Opti-bond


New member
Aug 3, 2010
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I know a lot of AGers like UTTG for tires and trim. For those who used both, what is their opinion of OB vs UTTG?
Well Opti-bond is water based so when it rains it's going to wash off faster than UTTG. There's no sling off with either product and both dry pretty quick. You really can't compare the two because they are so different. Kind of like comparing durability between DG 105 and Meg's NXT.
I like using oob on tires . I use 1:1 on truck off road tires , I dont like too shiney stuff. uttg is just to expensive to use on tires in my opinion but it may last longer ?
I like UTTG because it protects the wheel too. I dont have to cut in with tire trim. The best look to me is the latest version of DP. For durability and multi uses UTTG is king IMO!
I switch back and forth. Sometimes I use UTTG on my tires but usually it's DP (white). Lately been using black onyx as well. I LOVE the OOB look. However the DP looks about the same to me and is dry to the touch. long story short to answer your question I agree UTTG Trim and OOB tires.

I like UTTG for trim and OOB for tires.


Well Opti-bond is water based so when it rains it's going to wash off faster than UTTG. There's no sling off with either product and both dry pretty quick.


I like UTTG because it protects the wheel too. I dont have to cut in with tire trim. The best look to me is the latest version of DP. For durability and multi uses UTTG is king IMO!
