Asphalt OverSpray on Boat Vinyl Seats!


New member
Jan 5, 2011
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got a call from a customer today asking me to remedy his vehicle that he drove thru when they were spraying asphalt one day ... when i first saw the vehicle i could not believe that those 4 jet sprayers could do so much damage!
his white car was sprayed NO JOKE everywhere! even on the driver side door when the asphalt truck was on the passenger side!
He was towing his boat so guess what ... all over the boat and the interior!!
I did a few test spots and have the combo for the exterior and gelcoat surfaces but the interior cleaned up the surface asphalt but there were still some specks on the vinyl in where it appears it permanently stained the vinyl!
I tried the solvent (what i will use on the outside) on the vinyl and it didnt do nothing? I then tried APC and it helped some and then went to Megs Super Degreaser and it cleaned it up but left behind the specs ....
Anyone seen this before? Is his vinyl toast?
Ive noticed that stains on boat vinyl is extrememly sensitive to saturating stains like ink ... not sure what gives or why the vinyl seems to absorb the stains.

Thanks Fellas
His first call should be to the County/State road dept and ask them where they want their bill sent to
ohhh I already got the name of the paving company and they are footing the bill but the problem is the asphalt has stained the vinyl!
Bring the boat into the sun and clean the vinyl with straight bleach if it white, I understand what your saying boat vinyl sux and this has been the only remedy I've found to work, just let the bleach soak in