Please Say A Prayer For My Nephew


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Dec 29, 2010
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The kid is 20 yrs old and it looks like he has liver cancer. We're waiting the biopsy results. He's an athlete with a full academic scholarship and pre-acceptance to Yale, Dickinson and Cornell law schools. Thanks for your thoughts.

My thoughts and prayers got out to him and his family...
I'm sorry to hear of the bad news... keep us updated as to the results of the biopsy report.

I'll keep him in my prayers.

The Autogeek family will keep him and his family in our prayers!
Will defenately keep him in our sad that someone so young has to go through that...

My childhood friend is 36 and has been fighting brain cancer for a year and a half now....2 major surgeries and enough kemo and radiation to make anybody sick. Sadly any more surgery is out of the question due to the fact that the tumor is too close to the nerves. On top of that because of all the treatment, he suffered a stroke and is partially paralised on his left side!
Man I will be praying for you, your family, and especially him!

Here is something to think about... I have a 12yo son that was diagnosed with Leukemia over a year ago and the doctors were not hopeful on the prognosis... But God has kept our spirits high and kept our faith strong! The best thing to come of this whole situation is Justin (my son) has shown that God is good to all he meets! He only being 12 has more faith and love than anyone I have ever met! The docs are amazed at his positivity and the prognosis has changed!

So tell your nephew to look up Philippians 4:13 and live by it! (that is Justin's favorite verse) Also have him read Galatians 6:17 My life verse

Phil 4:13
I CAN do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!

Gal 6:17
Let NO ONE harm me for I bear on my body the branded marks of Jesus Christ

Our prayers will be with you all!
Putting him on our prayer list here, as well as you and everyone who will be affected by this. Stay strong and keep your faith, God is Mighty to save!
Thnaks guys. This is especially tough since the kid has so much promise. He and I have grown quite close over the past year, detailing his and our cars together, doing the cigar shop on Friday nights and getting half lit-up from our "martini tasting nightcaps" when we get home. We enjoy letting him take my wife's Lexus for dates - you should see the grin on his face. Kick those prayers in high gear and let's make this tumor begnign.
I always have believed that when we put our troubles in God's hands, His peace will enter into our hearts. From the heart, then, is where I believe a prayer of thanksgiving should arise.

Keep the Faith.
