View Full Version : Will QD remove sealant/nuba?

06-19-2011, 09:35 PM
This is actually a multi-questions:
1. Does QDs have any cleaning abilities (i.e. Meguiars Last Touch/UQD/OID/FK425)?
2. Since QDs have some added benefit to their properties, would they affect bonding performance if applied just before applying sealant/nuba? I usually clean a lightly dusty car using QD then apply sealant/nuba 15-20 minutes after the remaining QD flashes out of the panel, wonder the bonding would still be ideal after applying QD, specifically for nuba
3. Referring to #1, if they own some cleaning abilities, then what would be the effect if we buff off some hard nuba/sealant using lightly mist QD? I usually do this on hardened LSP like Meguiars M16 or Migliore lineup since they tend to harden after a while, and in case of Migliores kinda impossible to have a buff off residues without the help of Meguiars Last Touch. If it cleanses the LSP then probably all the effort of applying LSP would go to waste
4. Same case & question to #3, but to eliminate streaking from LSP

Any kind of input will help....


06-20-2011, 02:53 PM
Most (if not all) QD will not remove wax nor sealants, unless you use a clay with it.

06-20-2011, 02:57 PM
Anytime you touch the paint you are removing some of the LSP.

On number 3 if its that hard to remove then you are applying it too thick or letting it set too long before removing.

06-20-2011, 11:21 PM
Hey dubbin... yeah it should make sense, residues are harder to remove using QD so i assumed it take off a bit or much? I agree on too much/too long, but some waxes like Migliore are just build that way, doesn't matter what technique/condition you apply it: WOWO, 15-20min cure, etc. they'll still PITA to buff without QD..

06-21-2011, 07:29 AM
I can only answer for the QD's I use - diluted DP or ONR Rinseless and Adams.

No, they do not remove sealants and waxes. However as Dubbin1 notes, anytime you work on the finish you are removing the LSP to some extent.

Yes, they do have cleaners (surfactants and lubricants). They also have "glossing" polymers. These would likely interfere with sealant or wax bonding. I would specifically ask the manufacturer of the sealant or wax about the QD you are using if you feel you must use QD prior to sealing or waxing.

I have seen some product instructions that recommend use of a QD or dampened mf to aid in removal of product. If the product you're using does not mention that, I would ask the mfg. OTOH, if I was having as much of a problem as you seem to indicate and I was sure my technique is correct (ie, others report the same problems), I would find another product. But that's just me.