Tried Dry wash need Help !!!


New member
Jan 6, 2009
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Well I finally gave in and decided to try out what everyone was talking about the Dry wash method but I think I may of gone to far . Is there anything I can do to correct this ?? Any help would be appreciated.

Then this happened

And more problems



What should I do ??
take ur car to the coin wash and only use the high pressure soap/rinse. dont use the brush.
Hi Adam :)

I've never tried a drywash... I do use a waterless in places though.
Did you use the two or three bucket dry wash method? It can make a difference.
Not to make light of this, but is this a joke. I'm not even sure what could've done that.
looks like somebody poored a drink and dried up in the sun. try soaking a towel over it
that liquid looks like it was poored on and then dried out in the sun. people just hatin on his wipe
Adam, to correct this use the least aggressive method first :laughing:
op trolling?? gives no description as text. is it a above surface thing or did it eat into paint. what exact product did he use.

low content thread IMO
There goes your trade-in on a new "garage queen" :(

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3030 S. Dixie Hwy.
West Palm Beach, Fla. 33405

Ok guys thanks for all the help honestly what happened was the car was bought into the shop and from what I was told someone cheated on someone and the car lost . We assume it was a gel paint stripper since there is no acid trails and it made the paint flake and took the hood right down to the aluminium . Thought some of you would get a a kick out of it .
Ok guys thanks for all the help honestly what happened was the car was bought into the shop and from what I was told someone cheated on someone and the car lost . We assume it was a gel paint stripper since there is no acid trails and it made the paint flake and took the hood right down to the aluminium . Thought some of you would get a a kick out of it .

drain cleaner, brake fluid etc???
Paint stripper like the one from Home Depot but not 100% sure Could be some form of drain cleaner since it melted the plastic

Not likely drain cleaner - acids won't affect plastics like that. I've seen brake fluid haze plastics but not break them down into jello like that. I'm thinking it had to be solvent based. Benzene, toluene or a petroleum-based solvent are likely candidates, though commercial naval-type paint stripper is a good bet, and very likely a gel given the "no-splash" flow pattern.