Water Blades

Nick B

New member
Apr 17, 2011
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What's everybody's opinion about water blades ? ( squeege ) Do you use one ? Favorites ?
i do have the cali. water blade. used it this morning on a corolla. no issues. removes 80% of the water. i noticed no marring or scratches. just make sure the blade is clean before use! awesome on glass.
scratcha scratch scratch! specially on dark colored vehicles. i learned the hard way with my 98gp i had. it was excellent to remove water but TONS of scratches left behind even with the blade being clean. imo, id only use it on large suvs or vans/wagons that have big windows so you dont soak up your shammi/towel quickly. thats just my 2 pennies though.
I have the california water blade and use it on our old SUV which is white. It makes drying a lot faster.

I do not use it my new(er) car. I have never used it on it, I just don't want to risk it.
I have the california water blade and use it on our old SUV which is white. It makes drying a lot faster.

I do not use it my new(er) car. I have never used it on it, I just don't want to risk it.

i also do not use it on the canyon. better safe than sorry. :iagree:
I've noticed scratches especially on darker colors as well.
I have one but I only use it on glass never on paint
used the california blade but never had problems with it on my silver car. since i made the switch to ONR i dont use it anymore
I hear a lot of mixed opinions on the water blade. I have one and use it all the time and have never had a problem; however, as with anything, just use caution.
I have one, but I don't use it much. Prefer blow drying and waffle weave towels. But they do work very well on glass....
I have one of the original Cal. water blades...bought for the sole purpose of squeegy-ing the vehicles glass areas...never for paint!

Also, now I get to do the house's glass areas...my Wife, though, says I'm being too nosy and wanting to see what the neighbors are up to. I agree. Just ask Sheila who lives next door. :D

I have one and use it quite often, but as stated above I rinse it off before and after each use to keep it clean.
I have one that I use for windows, but that's it. At one point I would use it to dry cars that were getting corrected anyway, but it still leaves tons of water in cracks and crevices.
Never used the Califonia one, but I've used the one's Wally World sells, and they are complete junk. You just can't keep them clean enough.:mad:
I've been using them for years, maybe I'm blind but, I've not noticed any maring of scratches.