Is this good for a LGM?


New member
Apr 13, 2010
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Hey everyone,

I just got done with my first interior detail as well as the first time using the Little Green Machine.

My method was:

  1. Vaccuum
  2. Spray Folex and APC+
  3. Spread around with brush
  4. Wait a few minutes
  5. Put hot water on the carpet
  6. Spread with brush again
  7. Extract
This seems kinda long, but some of the steps take less than 15 seconds. Anyways just want to know if the results are close what what other people are getting.





I also did this job for $75 and it took 5 1/2 hours. It took a little longer than I would of liked it to and I don't think I got paid that great to be honest. I did mark my interior detail package at $75 and up expecting it to take 3 hours minimum, but since this was an SUV (Highlander) it took longer than what I told the guy. He is my friend's parent so I just gave him the lowest price and told him I didn't know how long it would take.

What should I do next time someone wants an interior detail? How do I discuss that $75 is the minimum and chances are it will be longer than that?

Thanks :xyxthumbs:
75 is cheap but something that will save u a ton of time on those mats next time, spray apc, wait about 30-45 seconds and pressure wash them till all the soaps gone then use the lgm to extract, after several details you will be able to look at an interior and know about how long it's gonna take so your better able to tell the customers upfront
Here is what I do with the LGM

1. Vacuum mats
2. Wet mats with hose
3. Spray on APC/Folex
4. Work in entire mat with stiff carpet brush
5. Rinse mat clean with hose
6. Repeat until stains are gone
7. Extract until mats are dry

Oh, and to answer your question, yes they look very good.
I did mark my interior detail package at $75 and up...How do I discuss that $75 is the minimum and chances are it will be longer than that?

+1 on the "more experience and you'll know how long" comment. I've been bit just like you on my last couple jobs.

You already have the "and up" in your price list. You could always start with the "SUV" price, but tell the customer if the car ends up taking less than X-hours you'll adjust down.

Or if they're THAT price sensitive, you could quote a pure hourly rate and stop when you reach their max, with the understanding that parts might not get done (or done well).
You can charge more if your worth it. People don't always want the cheapest. Some people are more about quality. Don't bid a job until you have seen it in person. If you do have to bid it without seeing it just tel them the price might be more depending on the condition of the interior. My interior detail starts at $110. The whole hourly thing gets tricky cause a lot of people just want to know a price and have no idea how long it takes to do our work. This job isn't worth doing if you feel like your getting burned and not making enough money. That's when it starts to feel lik a job and not something you love to do.
Yea, like I said, this was my first interior, and actually my first paid job ever so I didn't know what to say. I just told him that's it's $75 a few weeks ago.

I guess I'll quote people based on how long it will take and if it doesn't take that long then I'll adjust the price accordingly. I just don't want them coming up expecting the whole thing for $75 when they have an SUV or such and then when I mention that it might be higher they put on their guard.

How do you guys tell people it will possibly be more than advertised without getting into an argument?

How much do you charge per hour?
Trust me, the more interiors you do, the quicker you will get. You just have to do a few at a bit of a loss to get into the rythm.:dblthumb2: