Old Vinyl Pin-Stripping

Ted S.

New member
Feb 10, 2011
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Any one know of a good way to remove old dry-rotten, rock hard pin-stripping? I was thinking letting it soak for a day with some WD-40, then using dental-floss to remove, but I'm sure there are better ideas. I've heard the hair drier idea, but I'm not sure if that will work here.

When I worked at the car dealership our pinstripe guy had a rubber eraser type wheel that he would chuck into a cordless drill to remove pinstripes. It worked great and I have seen them available in a body shop supply store in my area.
I'm interested in this as well. Does anyone know how to remove factory pin-striping? Video of it being done?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRLoGehgddE]YouTube - ‪Removing vinyl pinstripe on Vanagon with eraser wheel‬‏[/video]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHKN5_UfDik]YouTube - ‪Using the 3M Stripe Off Wheel (eraser wheel) 2007.5 Chevrolet 2500HD Silverado Lifted on Cognito‬‏[/video]

Here are 2 videos
Yep, the 3M wheel, approx. $35, but not suppose to hurt the paint where others might (according to the guy at a local paint supply). He also sold me PCL Bug and Tar to remove the adhesive left behind, because they were out of 3M Adhesive remover. It made short order out of a hard job.
It removed a bunch of large vinyl swatches from my m/h with about 1/3rd of it left so just a wild guess it could remove quite a bit of striping on 3-4 cars.