View Full Version : Forum rules for trading?

07-17-2011, 11:42 PM
I just read through the rules and I didn't see anything regarding trading (or I just missed it). Anyhow, I have a few items that I may decide to trade for something else and I've seen others do that here. However, before I presume it's in fact within the rules I just thought I'd ask first. Thanks.

07-17-2011, 11:47 PM
It is perfectly fine. Many people post their stuff here for trade. You just can't sell your stuff here.


P.S. That thread was started by a worker at Autogeek. :props:

07-18-2011, 05:07 AM
While that thread wasn't started specifically for trading, more so offering small freesamples to other members, it has become a sort of trading block. If for some reason you have a not so stellar experience trading with other members, just don't expect AG to step in, it's not why their here. Most members are decent, honest peeps but some have gone out of their way to make trading a pain.