View Full Version : DISO - BISO - HISO or?

Mike Phillips
07-20-2011, 10:53 AM
DISO - BISO - HISO or? (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/auto-detailing-101/38742-diso-biso-hiso.html)

Not sure if I'm going to use the below but rotary buffer swirls do come from at least three different industries.


Since the letter "D" is already used for Dealer Installed Swirl Option, any suggestions for Detailer Installed Swirl Option? HDISO doesn't really roll off the lips...

DISO = Dealer Installed Swirl Option
BISO = Bodyshop Installed Swirl Option
HISO - Hack Detailer Installed Swirl Option

Note, this isn't about disparaging any detailers as I explained in this article, sometimes the quality of work a person does is out of their control.

The story of 3 H's - Horrendous, Horror Story and Hack Detailers... (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/ask-expert-featuring-mike-phillips/28142-story-3-h-s-horrendous-horror-story-hack-detailers.html)


Hack Detailers
I don't personally like using this term or implying anyone is a "Hack Detailer", but the term is established in the Cyberworld of discussion forums and nothing I can do will change this fact.

That said, allow me to just point out a few observations I've made over the years...

First, what is a "Hack Detailer"?

A real Hack Detailer would be someone that knows they're doing shoddy work and does so anyways and the results from their work leave the paintwork looking horrendous.



Included in the definition of Hack Detailers are people that either knowingly or unknowingly instill rotary buffer swirls or holograms into a car's paint but do so either unwillingly or because they honestly know not what they do...

The reason I state this can be done knowingly or unknowingly is because some products will look great after wipe-off after being applied using a rotary buffer, so in the detailer's mind he thinks he left a swirl free finish. It's after the paint is washed a few times or repeatedly exposed to inclement weather that whatever wax, sealant or glaze was applied begins to wash off exposing the rotary buffer swirls.

Now most of you reading this know that with a little education, the above group of people can be taught proper technique and things like choosing the appropriate pads and products to do good work, but not everyone is a member of a detailing discussion forum and a person only knows what they know. That's why I aways say that the best detailers are detailers that hang out on discussion forums because via discussion forums we're always learning about new products or new approaches...

Believe it or not, there exists people that buff out cars that don't hang out on the Internet let alone a detailing discussion forum.
At one point in my life I called on body shops, dealerships and detail shops to conduct product training, during another point in my life I called on these same types of shops to conduct sales and here's the deal... I met plenty of "detailers" and also "Painter's Helpers", that knew they were instilling swirls as a result of their buffing work but there was nothing they could do about it outside of quiting.

In these situations, these are employees provided products and tools by the company and their job is to do the best they can with what they are given. I know for a fact that many of these people knew they were doing hack work and didn't like it but the situation they were in was out of their control.

Sad truth is, most of have had jobs we didn't like but did them out of neccassity... If this hasn't happened to you... count your blessings...
The above are just two examples of people instilling swirls either knowingly or unknowingly and in these examples they don't really fit the description of "Hack Detailer" as it's usually used on discussion forums in a derogatory manner as their intentions were for good, their circumstances were out of their control.

A real Hack Detailer would be someone that knows they're doing shoddy work and does so anyways... I would say after you filter out everyone that fits into the above two categories, (knowingly or unknowingly), that there are fewer hack detailers in the world then we all think, that is people who knowingly and willingly do horrible work and create horrendous results.

As more and more detailers bring up the level of their skills and abilities, as well as the products, pads and tools they use, the more the work done by hack detailers stands out like a sore thumb.


07-20-2011, 11:33 AM
How about a generic ternm like JISO - Jack*ss Installed Swirl Option. That should cover every situation.

07-20-2011, 12:05 PM
^ Agree!

07-20-2011, 12:37 PM
F = Factory

As in FIOP = Factory Installed Orange Peel

07-20-2011, 01:04 PM
F = Factory

As in FIOP = Factory Installed Orange Peel
standard on 100% of mfg's and 99.9% of vehicles produced.


07-20-2011, 01:27 PM

Mike Phillips
07-20-2011, 01:40 PM
F = Factory

As in FIOP = Factory Installed Orange Peel

Sad but true...


07-20-2011, 02:06 PM
BOOB-ISO.....enough said. Except for:

MFSOB-ISO....My Feeble-minded Son's Ostentatiously Barbaric-ISO ?


07-20-2011, 02:26 PM
JISO - Jack*ss Installed Swirl Option. That should cover every situation.

Or change the D from "Dealer" to "Doofus" or a less polite slang beginning with "D" and knock off early.

07-20-2011, 06:57 PM
Or change the D from "Dealer" to "Doofus" or a less polite slang beginning with "D" and knock off early.

Paging Richard Noggin to the car prep area.