What's your favorite pad for applying LSP?


New member
Jul 8, 2010
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I've only used CCS blue pad on a GG6 and it works but I don't really like it and feel there has got to be something better. I would like to hear what everyone else uses and what you like about it.
Hi Dave,

Typically I apply my sealants and waxes with a red pad.
I like the 4" crimson hydro tech pads. I think the smaller pad soaks up less product.
Not an AG sold product but I love CG HexLogic Black for LSP's...
At work we been using Crimson hydro tech pads for LSP.
I use a 5" black or blue LC pad. Now I'm starting to migrate to the 4" meguiar's finishing pad.
I have Sonus finishing pads, Lake Country finishing pads, Meguiar's finishing pads, CMA finishing pads, 3M finishing pads... I have no particular favorite, I use them all!
Six months ago I would have said crimson hydro tech foam pad. Now after much experimenting Megs DA MF finishing disc. I can run it at slow speeds with amazing results. Cleans easy and like MF towels you can use over and over again. I don't think the full potential of these discs have been realized at this point. I haven't bought a foam pad since.
Black LC Flat Pad for liquid and Gold LC Flat Pad for paste... i could swear the gold pad use less paste wax than ordinary foam pad using hand
Thanks everyone for your responses! It looks like the 4" Hydro-Tech crimson is the winner!
Another question, Why do you like the 4" over the 5.5"?