Polish amount


New member
Jul 16, 2011
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How much polish does one need on avg to detail 2 cars? Thinks along the lines of meg 105 and 205 for example. Thanks.
An 8 ounce bottle of 105 should do if the the cars aren't in too bad of shape or if the cars aren't too large. Your technique would also play into this as well, for example if you are using the Kevin Brown Method of priming your pad then applying more product as you go you might use more. I'd rather have a little too much than not enough so I'd say get a quart of 105 having not seen the vehicle's condition.

An 8 ounce bottle of 205 is all you would need in any case for just doing 2 cars.
An 8 ounce bottle of 105 should do if the the cars aren't in too bad of shape or if the cars aren't too large. Your technique would also play into this as well, for example if you are using the Kevin Brown Method of priming your pad then applying more product as you go you might use more. I'd rather have a little too much than not enough so I'd say get a quart of 105 having not seen the vehicle's condition.

An 8 ounce bottle of 205 is all you would need in any case for just doing 2 cars.


Having a bit more is always a plus and bu buying the larger amount you also get more product for your dollar. In other words, the price per ounce becomes less when buying in quantity.
I use too much and I was going to say 4 oz/car to be on the safe side.

I just did my whole motorhome with probably 12 oz.
I agree with Flash, only a few ounces are needed for a standard correction on a standard car. I find myself using more of the 'heavier' product than the finishing product.