Mobile guys, ever get the boot?


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Sep 16, 2010
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I was just wondering if you mobile guys out there ever get a client book an appointment and you go out, get set up and go to work but then have some chief wigum wannabe come by and tell you you can't detail cars here. If the customer is not at a house, I ask if it's okay to detail where they are. It doesn't happen too often but I get extremely angry. How do you guys handle it or do you have any ideas that might help. I almost got into a fight with an association president today cause he thought he would be a jerk about it. Luckily for him and me, I didn't get to my glovebox before he walked away.
First mistake, I carry my protection on me for these types of negotiations so you don't need to walk to the car lol, Naw but really that sux, never had that happen before
It's all part of the appointment process. I have the client secure permission. All is well.
I know for one at my apt complex when I signed the lease it specifically states your not allowed to wash cars on the premises. I have seen a mobile detailer working in our parking lot before though right in front of the leasing office...

So I think its just kinda a roll of the dice thing maybe? I like the make the clients secure permission first idea.

Do you charge them anyways if you get booted of the job and they 'secured' permission? Since they basically lied to you.
It's always nice to have a garden hose at the ready.

Some of these idiots just need a good soaking.

I told one moron that he would have to take it up with the homeowner. Since that is who hired me. He just spouted a bunch of crap about how important he was an got back in his golf cart and left.
LoL oldmodman good story. Yeah its just the power trippers that are gonna cause problems like golf cart man.
Damn, as an association board member all i will do is document and record an incident for a nasty gram to be sent. Sounds like a major power trip.
You need to expect to play by the property owner's rules. It is best to find out about the rules with them before you start work before someone does something stupid since most verbal discussions after the work is started is not likely to be as effective. The property owner is usually is going to have the law on their side. They may bend rules but this has to be negotiated up front. It is called professionalism in work.
It's always nice to have a garden hose at the ready.

Some of these idiots just need a good soaking.

I told one moron that he would have to take it up with the homeowner. Since that is who hired me. He just spouted a bunch of crap about how important he was an got back in his golf cart and left.

LMAO @ got back in his golf cart.

Man I hate when people think they're better than someone else. Ok're the President or VP of this and that effin what! You still put your pants on the same way, you still chit like us, and I bet if I punch the chit out of you really hard, you'd bleed just like us.
You need to expect to play by the property owner's rules. It is best to find out about the rules with them before you start work before someone does something stupid since most verbal discussions after the work is started is not likely to be as effective. The property owner is usually is going to have the law on their side. They may bend rules but this has to be negotiated up front. It is called professionalism in work.

:iagree: exactly.
Just because a client is renting office space doesn't mean that the owner of the building can't swing by and say NO unless the client got permission. Chances are you are using the owners water and electric if you are hooked to facets/electrical boxes on the outside of the building. If you are self contained he might be up for a different spot if you negotiate. It's still a pain maintaining parking lots, drains, paint lines, liability, and that's what he is seeing $$$.
You need to expect to play by the property owner's rules. It is best to find out about the rules with them before you start work before someone does something stupid since most verbal discussions after the work is started is not likely to be as effective. The property owner is usually is going to have the law on their side. They may bend rules but this has to be negotiated up front. It is called professionalism in work.

I would agree to a point... I agree that you need to abide by the rules of the property owner... But putting the burden of checking out the rules on the business owner is somewhat absurd... I don't do mobile but if I did (and I may sometime) I will not be calling the "HOA" or "property owner" if I am called out to do a job... The renter/lease/HOA restricted is responsible for that and for knowing what can and can't be done on their property...

If I had been confronted while in the middle of a job I would politely say I am sorry but I am required to finish what I have been paid to do here, if you would like to take this issue up with the person that has hired me by all means please do so.

Then I would call the customer and explain what has happened and go from there...

In no way would I stop working unless the police were called to peacefully request my removal... I am sorry but in this economic time I can't afford to have some stuff shirt guy who thinks he is god take money from me!

You already have enough of a hard time making sure that you follow the letter of the law with our work. I will accept responsibility for my actions but not for something like this...
Bunky, I can assure you that I am very professional at work and to insinuate that I am not is rude.

I posted this question asking mobile Detailers if they ever have this problem and if so, how they deal with it.

No Jimmie, I am not using their water or electric and I absolutely always find an out of the way spot to work & keep a low profile with respect to the residents. I work clean and quick. My rig is always clean and professionally wrapped.

I always ask the client when booking the appointment if there are any restrictions on detailing cars. Most say they can but sometimes the property mgr will come by and say "well, it's not allowed even though he said it was" but then it puts me on the spot.

CrownKote, Your post made good sense. Thank you. You are right about it not being your responsibility to get their landlords permission.. I will probably adopt your system if & when the situation happens again.

I was not expecting anyone to tell me I can't detail there since I have already done 5 cars there over the last 3 months.. So I was not expecting it at all. The customer was pissed and was apologizing a lot but sorry don't pay me. He did at least give me $30. I didn't do any work besides vacuum so at least I wasn't halfway done.
I always ask the client when booking the appointment if there are any restrictions on detailing cars. Most say they can but sometimes the property mgr will come by and say "well, it's not allowed even though he said it was" but then it puts me on the spot.

Sounds like that is all you should be expected to do. We know the Mgrs/Owners do stop by so maybe keep a generic form to hand them that the client said no restrictions on detailing at location (checkmark).
The real world is the owner in todays economy isn't going to do much to upset a tenant even though that is who they should be taking too instead of you.
Sorry to have bumped this thread to the front again. I was just wondering about the HOA's and how to deal with them. I had one person ask tell me OOH I dont think we can wash cars in our driveways. I will tell her that A: she needs to find out, B: since I know her car is not a mud hole, to explain that I will not be using more than 4 gallons of distiled water and to get a signed paper from thE HOA board.
On a personal note, I dont think I could EVER live in a HOA community. By god Im paying for my properity and If I want to wash my car on sundday with a beer in my hand and no t-shirt then thats what I'll by god do :) I understand the original intent of the HOA's was to make sure everyone keeps a nice yard, but after hearing all the LUDACRIS issues on the news and from friends at work,, NO THANK YOU. Ill keep changing my own oil, and drinking beer in my yard. my howse is well kept and has a 15 foot high tree fort in the front and sits on a city block on a nice public street w/ nice houses on either side. OK OFF MY SOAPBOX/RANT :)