Using WG Total Swirl and still scratches


New member
Jul 3, 2011
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I have washed, clayed

Started to use WG Total Swirl remover on a cyan pad

Still scratches - I run my finger over them and my nail does not catch...

Any suggestions?
Have you read the comprehensive how-to remove swirls article written by Mike P.?

Everything you need to remove swirls will be in there, guaranteed!


Depends on a lot of things like how hard the paint is, arm speed, machine used and setting, pad size, and pressure used. I've used the WG polishes a lot and reach for them first every time. True there are some that cut faster and are more aggressive but I feel none easier to use. Look at the above thread and keep working on your technique, I know when I started I sure couldn't get much success but after practice and lots of reading I've learned enough I can tackle "almost" anything!

~~ Yale
I don't know if it's my technique because I'm still kinda new at this, but I've noticed that with some of the scratches I had that it took several passes over several different sessions to get the scratches completely out. I saw that the scratch was progressively getting worn down to paint level, so I was getting there; I just had to be patient and remind myself that I would rather do it this way than get too aggressive and end up with a problem worse than a scratch. I use a DA, and I know with a rotary I could take care of a scratch immediately. But like I said, I'm still new to this, so until I get the expertise the most I'll do is M105 and Surbuf pads. For me this combination gets most scratches and swirls out.
The WG Total Swirl Remover is a mid-aggressive polish. Paint hardness, pad, pressure, speed and few others affect the polishes aggressiveness. Work smaller sections (12-18" squares) when correcting with TSR.

I personally found that TSR worked great but took time. I now often use Megs 105 and Ultimate Compound for heavier correction instead of TSR. The Optimum spray polish and compounds are pretty good but not quite as aggressive as M105 in my hands.
I have washed, clayed

Started to use WG Total Swirl remover on a cyan pad

Still scratches - I run my finger over them and my nail does not catch...

Any suggestions?

Couple questions...

Did you remove the shallow scratches? That is did you improve the overall quality of the finish and now there are only a few deeper scratches left behind? Or is there no difference between the area you buffed and have not buffed?

I think at some point you have to decide is it worth getting it perfect. It may be better to leave them and keep the clearcoat since they may be deeper than you think. On your light colored car, they must be very hard to see.
TSR is not the most aggressive swirl remover. I do like it for softer clears like Lexus, but when I run into heavier scratches or harder clears like GM, I prefer Megs UC.
Couple questions...

Did you remove the shallow scratches? That is did you improve the overall quality of the finish and now there are only a few deeper scratches left behind? Or is there no difference between the area you buffed and have not buffed?


Mike it was weird - My neighbors car on the hood, roof, and trunk had, what I think is water etchings...Also on the hood had a ton of scratches.

My neighbor told me he had his paint redone about 10 years ago. On the hood I went over it 3 times with only slight change. I could not feel them with my fingers.

If I can say this - it almost looked like they were below a surface, like I could not get to them.

I just ended up going and finishing the car...

I am about to post the before and after in the show and shine