Questions about sealants


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Nov 1, 2009
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I have been thinking a lot about sealants lately, and I would love to have these questions answered:

1. I am assuming that most sealants have like a 4-6 month durability. Is that with only 1 coat? Or do you have to layer it 12 hrs apart with 2 coats to get the max durability?

2. If you are a pro detailer, do you use only 1 coat of sealant on your customers cars because of the whole 12 hr cure time between coats and you need to get the car back to the customer ASAP? Or do you keep the car for like 2 days and double up on the coats for them? I'm just curious how you guys handle this...

3. I know this will be subjective, but in your experience, which sealant gives the best durability with only 1 coat (not including the new stuff like opti-coat and cquartz)?

Thanks guys. here's the background behind the questions...I'm really looking for a different sealant to use than the Klasse twins since the SG is such a PITA to remove, and you don't really get that great of a shine after only 1 coat. IMO, SG needed to be applied twice to get a good look on the car. And this is too labor-intensive for a customer's car when you don't want to inconvenience them too badly by keeping their car another day...

1) I believe the 4-6 months is with only one coat. For maximum durability you would let the first coat cure for 12 hours then apply the second coat.

2) I am no pro. But the cars I have done I asked the customer if they want a pure wax or sealant and if they would like an additional coat for extra durability. Of course I told them it would take an extra day or so.

3) I have only used Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant and Blackfire Wet Diamond and found that Wet Diamond has given me more durability with one coat compared to DGPS.
1) I believe the 4-6 months is with only one coat. For maximum durability you would let the first coat cure for 12 hours then apply the second coat.

2) I am no pro. But the cars I have done I asked the customer if they want a pure wax or sealant and if they would like an additional coat for extra durability. Of course I told them it would take an extra day or so.

3) I have only used Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant and Blackfire Wet Diamond and found that Wet Diamond has given me more durability with one coat compared to DGPS.

Thanks Ryan. I was wondering about those 2 sealants, and Menzerna Power lock as well. I wonder if MPL is as durable as BFWD with only one coat?
You said Klasse SG is a pita to remove. Are you talking about the excess/buffing or do you mean stripping it off to maybe go to another brand? I put on KAIO and then SG one weekend and then two more coats over the next two weekends(my personal vehicle so time didn't matter). Removing excess/buffing was very easy. Ultra thin is the way to go with Klasse. If you can see it, it is probably too thick.
You said Klasse SG is a pita to remove. Are you talking about the excess/buffing or do you mean stripping it off to maybe go to another brand? I put on KAIO and then SG one weekend and then two more coats over the next two weekends(my personal vehicle so time didn't matter). Removing excess/buffing was very easy. Ultra thin is the way to go with Klasse. If you can see it, it is probably too thick.

I was talking about buffing it off. I was trying to put it on thin, but maybe I didn't succeed very well, because it took a great deal of effort to buff it off. I have used WG DGPS, and it was a breeze to remove in comparison to the SG. But it could have been my technique of application that got me into trouble...
Thanks Ryan. I was wondering about those 2 sealants, and Menzerna Power lock as well. I wonder if MPL is as durable as BFWD with only one coat?

I have no experience with Power Lock. But since Wet Diamond has Polycharger added I would think it would have some added durability over Power Lock.
I used the wipe on wipe off method with SG and it came off as easy as it went on. Application on my Jeep took about 15-20 minutes...apply and wiped off.
DP Poli-coat is a great sealant easy on easy off. It is cheap and looks great. Durability is excellent also i have gotten 6 months out of it (buffalo NY winter) before i reapllied and it was still beading water.
DP Poli-coat is a great sealant easy on easy off. It is cheap and looks great. Durability is excellent also i have gotten 6 months out of it (buffalo NY winter) before i reapllied and it was still beading water.

Just you use 1 coat or multiple coats to get that kind of durability?
I use 2 coats back to back mostly to make sure i have even coverage.
By back to back i mean i put one coat on let it try wipe it off and then put another coat on let it dry and wipe it off.

Another great thing is it doesn't stain trim or rubber. I also use it on all my windows except the windshield. its very slick also.

I forgot who it was at AG i talked to (think it might have been Nick). I was told because DP poli-coat contains cleaners if you wait a day or more to apply another coat it will not matter as the cleaners will remove the first coating. i believe it is a great product that is under rated.
I usually use 1 coat of Meg 21 sealant, with a coat of Gold Class carnuba paste wax on top. On the car it last 12+ months, on the van not as long. Key point here though, the car is garaged practically 6 days a week, while the van sits out 24/7. To be honest I've never really tracked how long it lasts on the van. I'll try to track it this time, however, I only waxed the van this time around.
So, is there any other sealant out there that can come close to the durability of the Klasse twins, and is more user-friendly, in your opinion?
There are many easy to apply quality sealants out there.

Menzerna Power Lock is one of my favorites. Like most sealants it lays down very easy with a dual action polisher and a soft red foam pad. Sealants can be layered providing they've dried or cured for 12 to 24 hours. Layering will provide additional protection.

Other quality sealants

A new sealant on the scene is Optimum Opti-Seal. This is a clear product and includes a convenient sprayer. I was surprised how easy this is to apply and it reminds me of Ultima Paint Guard Plus in appearance and ease of application. It takes less than 20 minutes to properly apply it to an entire vehicle.

Optimum Opti-Seal 8 oz. Free Bonus!
How long any sealant or wax is gonna last depends upon environmental factors. Is the car outside or garaged, how often it is washed and waxed, area general air quality, industrial or construction fallout.
How long any sealant or wax is gonna last depends upon environmental factors. Is the car outside or garaged, how often it is washed and waxed, area general air quality, industrial or construction fallout.

Craig has touched on something very important here. :props:

All of what Craig's mentioned is absolutely spot on. The coatings we apply are temporary at best and while their manufacturer may claim 6 months to 1 year realistically I'm guessing 1/2 the length of time.

An additional factor that comes into play is the application and whether or not the surface was properly prepped in order for it to bond properly and then adequate time to cure ensuring its full affect.
Good post, Bobby G!
Detailed and informative as always. Thanks
An additional factor that comes into play is the application and whether or not the surface was properly prepped in order for it to bond properly and then adequate time to cure ensuring its full affect.

:dblthumb2: Yeah, I probably should have caveated with that provision. To give an example, most here say they get 6 - 9 months out of 845. I get like 4. However, I live in Carlisle, PA. Carlisle is a major transport hub for the northeast, maybe THE major hub. We have a huge amount of truck traffic and warehouses all over the place. As a result, we have very high airborne diesel pollution (dontcha just love the trucking lobby?) that literally eats most sealants and waxes alive. The only coating I've found so far that holds up is CQuartz. I imagine Opti-Coat would do the same.
I have a 2007 Jeep GC that stays outside all year. I'm a little embarassed to say that due to time constraints and another car that gets most of my attention, it gets a major detail once a year (wash, clay, M105 as needed, M205). I have been using M21 applied by Flex 3401 on a black LC finishing pad, as my LSP in two coats a day apart. It goes on easy and comes off just as easy. It keeps its shine for the year with occasional washes.
How long any sealant or wax is gonna last depends upon environmental factors. Is the car outside or garaged, how often it is washed and waxed, area general air quality, industrial or construction fallout.


I would select UPP for all around best sealant for the qualitys you mention. You really can't go wrong with a bunch of these:

If you don't want to have to buff off your sealant use UPGP or OOS.
I would select UPP for all around best sealant for the qualitys you mention. You really can't go wrong with a bunch of these:

If you don't want to have to buff off your sealant use UPGP or OOS.

Hi Corey,

I haven't used UPP, but I probably should have mentioned UTTG. Didn't think of it because we were talking paint sealants and waxes. Anyway, UTTG is the only trim sealant I've found sof far that will hold up. I imagine that UPP will hold up just as well since their MSDS shows that both use the same petrochemicals or classes of petro's.

I do use MPL on my RAV. It does hold up. What happens to the wax topper is it oxidizes quickly, becoming sticky and gritty. It's not that the shine really goes away. I've had MPL on for 7 months now and it's just beginning to dull a bit. But hey, what can you expect? Every time it rains around here, all that diesel pollution ends up as a road grime emulsion splashed all over your car. There ain't many things that are gonna hold up to that.