2 bucket system


New member
Jun 16, 2011
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I get & use the system w/gritguards. What I don't get is why use 2 guards in the soap bucket ? Two in the rinse bucket definitly, but 2 in the wash bucket, please explain the reason.
I think most people use 1 grit guard in the wash and 1 grit guard in the rinse bucket. I have used two since you do not have to dip the mitt in as far plus I also can quickly tell which is the rinse bucket.
I'm a 1 in the wash and 2 in the rinse guy (none in the wheel bucket). The top one in the rinse is sideways and I rub the wash pad against it each rinse.
I'm a 1 in the wash and 2 in the rinse guy (none in the wheel bucket). The top one in the rinse is sideways and I rub the wash pad against it each rinse.

I actually had planned to take one and cut the bottom at an angle so it would be angled against the one on the bottom.