sunday detail knocked out.


Active member
Mar 5, 2011
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well, against my better judgement, they were calling for rain all day. this morning was just cloudly. figured i would get a jump on things, but finished it. with most likley a sunburn. my fault for wearing a muscle shirt and no sunblock. thank god i wore a hat. dodged the sun here and there between the clouds.

1. interior. was not bad. just a quick app. of UIGP. washed my covercraft seatsavers last night. re installed them. did interior glass. stoners.

2. APC on the engine. followed with CD2 ENGINE DETAILER.

3. just a wash as to use the griots paint prep. OMG! product is amazing. removed all traces of prior product. one final spritz, then a good rinse.

4. dry off. P21S paint cleaner with the CCS white hand applicator. wow! P21S cleaned the paint like glass! easy to work with. on/off. the CCS pad i was very impressed with! (got the complete hand applicator set. 3 to a set ).

5. aquapel on windshield and side glass.

6. went with dodo juice SNH. applied one coat as thin as i could with a AG foam hand applicator. very easy to work with. i had no issues of any kind. removed with griots blue speed shine towel. applied to the wheels and ss nerf bars also. the word i am looking for is PURITY! it really made the paint pop without adding anything fake looking. looks like glass. hope the durability is up there.

i never planed on getting this far today, but the weather held out. all thats left is a good wash. i did not dress the tires/trim/wells yet. maybe a second coat of SNH, but don't know if its needed? i took my time and got the one coat on good.
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got some rain this evening and beading like crazy. a good thing. just stupidity on my part for not covering up. i will know tomorrow about the "burn". been applying gold bond with aloe. hopefully its not too bad. not a way to start a vacation.
I have never tried DODO Juice waxes, but have heard great things about them. I have used their Tarmalade and found it not to work as well as described.