got a deal on a CHEAP brush at autozone


New member
Sep 12, 2010
Reaction score
Peaked into autozone today and saw this brush that looked perfect for doing my wheel wells.

It was listed on the rack for $5.49 with no hint at a discount. When he rang it up it showed up as $2.49 for some reason, I didnt say a word lol. Then heres the kicker, he looked suprised and said it comes with a AZ microfiber discount knocking $1.99 off the total price bringing it to only 54 cents!

Its nothing special. I wouldnt use it on wheels because the plastic bristles aren't even feathered at the ends. The bristles are sort of on the soft side but should be strong enough to scrub off some dirt. It even comes with a rubber tip. Perfect for wheel wells.

I know we aren't supposed to post deals from other locations. But I had to let you guys know about this.



While .54 cents is quite the deal, .02 cents (ea) is even better. Thats what I paid last year when they went on clearence here. I bought over 40 of them :o

The wire is made very cheap. Your lucky to make it through 3 or 4 cars before it breaks. I've been using them for cleaning the area of the wheel that is blocked (on some cars) by close fitting calibers

Still a deal though @ .54


PS Shoot a dot of silicone in that tip and let it sit 24hrs. It will fall off otherwise
Two cents each? They may as well say free lol.

Thanks for the heads up on the silicone.
I picked one up a few months ago... In the clearance bin for the same price. It works ok, it does last. My only complaint is that the bristles are so soft that you end up spraying wheel cleaner and dirt all over yourself when you brush the wheels.