Paint Sealant Question


New member
Aug 19, 2011
So I was planning on a big detailing day on saturday, but here in RI it seems Hurricane Irene will be here on sunday so it seems silly to get her all nice to go get wet, but my problem is this is the last weekend I will have access to a garage and the Rejex paint sealant I have says it needs to remain for 12hrs without being exposed to "the elements" which I cant do, it would need to parked outside over night...

Is this a big issue?
its mainly b/c the stuff needs oxygen to crosslink the polymers for maximum durability. This is why you need to wait before you top a sealant with a wax.

WGDGPS says the same thing but I've reclayed spots that were missed (which means I got it wet) with no issues. It's not as though it's going to wash off the car if some rain falls on it within those 12 hours.
Thanks! ^ My other thought is I could still do the whole car saturday before the rain hits, and then so its get wet and dirty, in theory the paint sealant should protect the work I just did and then I can do a waterless wash when the weather clears?
Thanks! ^ My other thought is I could still do the whole car saturday before the rain hits, and then so its get wet and dirty, in theory the paint sealant should protect the work I just did and then I can do a waterless wash when the weather clears?

I would have to say you're spot on. I would also suggest "topping the sealant" with 845 (collinite), that's if you have the time. Just make sure the sealant cures.